I bought a RBTA (rose bubble tip anemone) a little bit over a month ago and it seems confused. First off it took a few days for it to find a spot it liked (no big surprise there) but unfortunately the spot it liked was under a rock where no light got to it

Of course it wasn't doing well there, so last week I decided to flip the rock over so that it could get some light. Thankfully the RBTA has stayed put, but it still looks pretty bad.
I've tried to feed it but it doesn't seem to grab onto the mysis very well. It is somewhat bleached, but the odd thing is, is that it shrivels up during the day when the lights are on and then it extends more fully at night when the lights are off????? I don't get it????? Maybe I should try to feed it when the lights are out, and it is extended more, and see if that helps. Any ideas on what I can do to help it?