I posted these questions on my nano contest tank thread, but got no response... maybe I'll get one here
I've decided I can't do without protein skimming on my contest tank, so I went ahead and ordered a Taam Rio 800 RV pump. This pump is a modified Rio 800 that sucks in air before the impeller, and recirculates some of the air / water mixture from the output back through the input. Has anyone ever used one of these?
I will be building the skimmer using glass and silicone, since I can't get acrylic tube here and I want to be able to see inside the skimmer. Further, I think it will look slick with the other tanks and their black silicone, like they were made as a set (which they sort of will be). However, I worry about the square form factor (rather than cylindrical) and what that will do for skimming?
Oh, and one last question... will isopropyl alcohol clean the glass well enough before I silicone?