Here's a sneak peak at the pico I have started to build. I have had this idea for a tank for a few years and have decided to make it into a pico reef with zoas, mushrooms and softies. Maybe I will have some sexy shrimp and possibly a tiny goby of some sort if I get really ambitious.
In any case, I finally had the glass cut to shape and size and siliconed it together. It works out to a little over 2.25 gallons. The silicone is a bit messy but the edges of the tank will be obscured when all is built so it won't really matter in the end.
Attachment 3919
I was thinking about making LED lighting but after crunching the numbers the lighting alone would have cost me close to $100. So I picked up this Coralife Aqualight Mini for $35 and it will donate its innards to the project.
I figure 18 watts of PC lighting will be fine for 2 gallons of zoas etc. Maximum depth to the sand bed will be about 8 inches so it should work.
Attachment 3920
I'll post updates as I go but with my limited spare time this could take a while so don't hold your breath...