29 Gallon setup, Aqua C Remora
29 gal Marineland Bowfront with Glass top and 40 pounds of Livesand + 100 Watt submersible heater -$100.00. ****SOLD***
24" 65 Watts 50/50 Straight pin compact fluorescent by Coralife. New Bulb, 2 weeks old - 50$ ****SOLD***
Aqua C Remora Hang-On Protein Skimmer(6 months old)Maxi-Jet 1200 pump included. (Skimmer will skim up to 75 gall tank. Excellent skimmer!) - 120.00$ ********SOLD*****
(Skimmer condition: less than 1 year old, purchased from JL for 229.00$)
The tank is still running. My live rock and corals have been moved to my 155 gal. This bow front is really nice. I just don't want to run two tanks.
Last edited by belzebuth; 02-03-2009 at 01:55 PM.