New with salt water and need help
I have had a 30gal. piranha tank for the past three years and I still think they are the best, now I am getting a 150gal. tank and would like to turn salty. The thing is i dont know what to do, I am looking at different places for live rock think I need about 100 pounds, would like to use a hang on the back filter and protien skimmer for overall filtration, I would like to start with a couple of snowflake morays in the tank so I am planning to bury some PVC tubing under the sand and rock for good hiding spots. I dont know anything about salt water though and would like to do as much research as I can before I get started about everything from mixing the salt, to checking the water quality on a regular basis. If anyone can give some advice it would be a great help thanks and hope to talk later.