Seachem alkalinity test kits
Is anyone here using Seachem's new Mg/Alkalinity test kits ("Reef Status" or some such) for testing alkalinity?
The new ones come with a little handle on the box so you can tell if you're using the new style or the old style.
My old test kit (2 years old) was awesome. But I think that the new one, is completely unusable, and I want my money back. This is rediculous. How can you tell when the colour changes from "perfectly clear" to "perfectly clear"? What a joke.
I just want to know if anyone else is experiencing this, or if maybe I have a bad test kit.
PS. Can somebody recommend a good test kit? What's the other one that a lot of people use? Seatest or something. How is that one?
Maybe in the meantime, I'll stick to Hagen... can't beat the price (comparatively anyways!)
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!