Originally Posted by StirCrazy
That is nothing but fear mongering by EnCana trying to sway public vote. you think any other Provence is going to let them in with out tougher royalties? BC cost way more just in business tax alone and the regulations here would be worse than the Alberta royalties. I am from Alberta and did my stint in the oil patch. EnCana has to release this type of press report to keep shareholder from bailing. how about including a link to the royalties page also so you can see why they are so worried.
Here is a link to the main royalty review webpage
I'm a second generation oilman myself, my dad was a Shell company man for 35 years. I've seen the ups and downs through my life as a child and now as an adult in the patch myself.
I agree that the boom in Calgary hurts a good number of people, I make a fair salary but I still find myself waiting for my next pay cheque most months. That however has to do more with our society than Alberta itself.
I agree that a review is required, but as mentioned by my fellow EnCanan, we have no PST and the lowest provincial income tax in the Country. We see benfits that the other provinces do not. There -is- work here, it may be epensive to live, but look at the martimes, there is a reason there are people flooding from the east coast to Alberta every dayh.. it may be more expensive but at least you can get a job other than bagging groceries at Sobey's.
Should every Albertan get their fair share? sure, How about native Albertans get a bigger share than the guy who just moved here last week? My great great grandfather came to Alberta and worked the coal mines before he started ranching, which continued on to my grandfather and father.. I am the first generation of my family that hasn't worked the ranch. Am I more deserving of extra revenue?
Anyhow, read the info make your own decision, all I am confident in however is that there are hundreds of thousands of people in Alberta working directly in the oilpatch that will fight the current review tooth and nail until it is fair and equitable for both big oil and the people of Alberta.