Hi there.
We got this clam yesterday and all looked good but today if you look on the right side towards the back the mantle is curled up abit. I did not notice this yesterday although he moved on abit today so maybe it was there and we just didn't notice it.
Anything i need to be concerned about?
Also i am thinking it is a squamosa but clams are pretty new to us so we are not sure. He has about 5 large shutes on the side of him.
Oh and no the mushroom is actually farther away then it looks. No where near it. BUT i did find what looks like a little carpet anemone on the shute directly under where it is looking all crinkled up. I am thinking if it is not anything like pinched mantle then it may be this little multicoloured nem. Very cool looking it is all different colour and has a base like a nem. And nope it isn't a aptasia or manjo...lol