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Old 02-23-2007, 07:13 AM
Dennis-Pir Dennis-Pir is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Vancouver
Posts: 16
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Default Baffles

If I have a 33g tank I am turning into my sump how high should my baffles be...?????

As per the overflow box.... ---

Ok well if I can paint you a picture I drilled my tank, (well I didn't a member on thsi site did) and its on the top right corner.. and I was going to build a 'overflow box' (I.e. a box against the corner that would measure 5X5 give or take.

So I am wondering if anything would drain out of this at all, as the 'lip' or teeth of the overflow box will be quite near the top....

Any help would be greatly appreciated, and I've checked many sites such as "melv's reef" etc... =)

just wondering if anyone has pictures of a sump they made or anything like that as well

I.e. How high from the top, how high from the bottom, how many, how far apart.. etc...

I have seen sites such as melvsreef but these are pretty much from scratch and I am not going from scratch rather using an existing 33g tank..

Dimensions of tank are as follows
36 x 12 x 8.5
55g (In Progress)
33g Sump (In progress IF IT WILL FIT UNDER MY STAND grrr)
29g "electric" blue lobster, red tailed shark
10g planted

Last edited by Dennis-Pir; 02-23-2007 at 05:37 PM.
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