well my 10g nano dosent seem to be what i whant it to be, and i realize that i like the fish & inverts a littel more than the coral(iam still putting some coral in a 2.5 on my desk though
)and the lighting is to much $$, so what would i need for a 30g FOWLR? iam getting the tank soon and my grampa is makeing a stand for it, iam planning on makeing my old 10g a sump but iam not sure how to make the pluming ect, i was thinking of using an old HOB filter and put a pipe in the bottem for an over flow so i wouldent have to drill the tank, then when the power gos out the filter will stop and the sump whont overflow?, right now i have about 10lbs or so of LR and was thinking of getting base rock and let the LR and LS seed it(but how long would that take?)sence iam getting short on funds, most important how mutch flow would i need? i have a 201 power head and a penguin 170 HOB how many more PH would i need? what would be good lights to help bring out the colors of the fish ect? and i would like to stock it with a flame angel, firefish, flasher wrass or 6line, maroon clown, 2 skunk cleaners, choclate chip star and mabie some more small critters is this to much bioload?
any more advice would be great