Just another BoRiNg QuEsTiOn . . .
Does anyone here have the "reefstar" 250watt DE HQI fixture? Mainly because I just ordered one and I really don't know how to go on about hanging this fixture over my tank . . .
U guys have any picture of your "reefstar" fixture on top of your tank?? Please post a pic here for me so I can get an Idea!!
Also . . . I have a 36" Long tank do you guys think having 1-250watt 10,000K DE hqi lamp is enough (its about 13-14" high) ?? What about the corners?? Im also buying the fixture from coralife for 2 T5's for my actinics . . . do you guys think this is enuff light to keep acro's and MaXiMa clams??
Anyone?? Your help is greatly appreciated . . .
Thanks a million . . .