Happy and bittersweet day
Well today is a happy and bittersweet day for me.
My female clownhole which I have had since I started the hobby in 2012 has finally died.
I don’t miss her just for the simple fact that I have way too many scars on my hands from her biting them and on many occasions drawing blood causing me untold pain.
It’s bittersweet because even though she annoyed me to no end and was bully to my other fish she was also very entertaining and brought smiles and consternation to me over her antics.
I don’t know how my male is feeling as they never really hung out together the last couple of years so it’s tough to say if he is depressed or is just carrying on with life. Unfortunately because I work 12 hr shifts I won’t be able to tell until my days off start on Thursday
 My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....