Back in the game! Could use suggestions..
Hello all!
My past set up up was a 34g biocube with upgraded skimmer and filter. And a 3 gallon nano. Those were taken down over 6 years ago.
Had a friend give me a 72g bowfront (was a fresh water setup) now and after 6 years I feel like I'm trying to learn a new language. Lol where to start?
Can you guys recommend a good filter/filtration and skimmer setup? What are great lights to set for sps and coral growth?
I'm sure all lfs's are closed right now. I'm in no rush for livestock. But if I can get some rock and substrate started to cycle I'd be happy. Amy advice is welcome!

-34g Red Sea Max w/Tunze 9002, InTank media basket
-5g Nano w/ Orphek PR-25 LED