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Old 12-12-2018, 04:17 PM
Llorgon Llorgon is offline
Join Date: Feb 2018
Location: Kelowna, BC
Posts: 288
Llorgon is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Frogger View Post
Not to sure that rotifers (planktonic) are going to help with bio-diversity in your tank. For the most part they are a salt lake organism (like brine shrimp), that only survives for a very short period inside out tanks before they are either eaten, sucked over the overflow or die because of lack of phytoplankton in the water. If your interested I have a culture of these.

Benthic tropical copepods (ALGAGEN PODS TISBE) available at J&L would be your best choice if you were interested in adding pods for biodiversity as they can survive and reproduce in our tanks living off of detritus and algae.

I have added the Algagen pods a couple times. Never seen them again after adding them though. I think that's what I need.

Originally Posted by Razor Ramon View Post
I have read your whole build thread as well a this one in full .
You have to hang in there , it’s going to take some time. The tank is not stable. It’s a new system and the cycling can take some time for sure.
Some serious reef tanks don’t see corals for 6months. I would like to help in any way I can. The other guys that are here for you please chime in as well. Boosting
Your cycling bacteria is usually safe ,combined with wet skimming will aid in removing the dino that you dislodge with turkey baster and paint brushe. There are so many types of Dino’s a uv light will kill any free swimming stage Dino’s.
Maybe syphon as much of the sand out of the system and treat the sand in a bucket to kill Dino’s . Just a little brain storming can go along way.

Ya I figured it would be quite awhile before anything is really stable. I think my cycling bacteria is fine. At least it is holding up to my stocking levels and feeding right now. It's everything else that I think has taken a hit from the dinos.

I have been removing as much as I can on a daily basis and I have a filter sock that I change daily after turkey basting the sand and rocks.

I did break down and buy a uv sterilizer. I have seen some people have some luck with it for my type of dinos so I figured I will give it a try. Just waiting for it to come now.

Originally Posted by Razor Ramon View Post
To help aid in stability I would make sure your water source is good and do weekly water changes till you get the tank stable .
Testing water is always good to do but chasing numbers at this point with dosing is a bit much . I have had many coral tanks and added nothing except doing weekly water changes . Yes when the lps and sps get big then dosing calcium and alkalinity or calcium reactors are needed.

My water is ok... I think. I have got the dosing thing down pretty much. I think I will hold off on water changes for now since I believe the dinos thrive in clean water. So water changes at this point might make things worse.

And yes, I am sure it's dinos. Took a sample to J&L to look at them under a microscope to get a positive ID.
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