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Old 04-02-2017, 10:13 PM
hunggi74's Avatar
hunggi74 hunggi74 is offline
LOVES STAR WARS... mostly Ewoks and Porgs.
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Richmond, BC
Posts: 359
hunggi74 is on a distinguished road

Fellow hobbyists, there is a certain very well know seller of corals in the GVRD that is knowingly selling their wares to the public even though they know they have AEFW.

This worm is the bane and worst nightmare of any SPS tank owner. You risk infecting your corals and losing hundreds if not thousands of dollars if you do not know they are in your system or do not treat them.

As someone who had them and treated for them, I can tell you first hand it is not fun. 8-12 weeks of frags in a separate tank without rock and weekly dippings is recommended. Plus you need to inspect each frag base for eggs that may have been laid. And it's still not a guarantee that you are home free.

That's why it ****es me off to hear that someone could knowingly, intentionally, callously sell their frags to someone else without at least telling them about their AEFW issue. There is never only one worm. You find even one you know to assume you have more.

Everyone buying SPS corals should be dipping and inspecting their frags before putting them into their system. Don't be naive like me and do a half ass job of it either. Do it right. Revive, Bayer, Coral Rx all work.

To the individual selling these infected corals...I understand you will lose a lot of money if you tell prospective buyers of your AEFW issue. But you have to feel some guilt do you not for the potential damage you could be doing to this person's tank and the hobby itself. It's people like you that make new hobbyist wary and quit and makes experienced hobbyist despise you.

Be a stand up individual and at the very least tell people you have AEFW and let them decide if they want to risk adding your stuff to their tanks.
Illuminata 57gallon rimless <-- this is a lie!
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