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Old 10-21-2015, 07:03 PM
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ReefGrrl ReefGrrl is offline
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Ontario
Posts: 48
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Default Rotifer hatch in 1.6G pico

So the other day I had a hatch of what I'm thinking are rotifers in my 1.6G pico tank. I couldn't get a photo of the critters, but Rescue Gorg immediately got its polyps out and open for business.

I have tons of pods and bugs in this tiny tank but I've only ever had one other hatch, of larger bugs. These ones this time were very tiny and I think might have come with a batch of phytoplankton that looked like it was seeded with them. I feed a tablespoon of phyto twice a day for Rescue Gorg, along with frozen rotifers and Reef Roids once each per day (tiny, tiny amounts).

This tank mainly holds corals that struggled in my 29G cube - putting them here is a last-ditch effort to save them. Plus when I trim stuff I throw it in here to see if it will grow. I plan to re-scape it over the winter.

I'm absolutely INSPIRED by corpusse's 2G! It looks fabulous.

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