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Old 02-08-2015, 11:37 PM
Alberta_madcow Alberta_madcow is offline
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Default I need suggestions, please.

Best clean up crew for my 3 gallon nano?

Best fish for my 3 gallon nano?

I was thinking one turbo snail, two of the tiniest hermet crabs I can find, an emrald crab and a peppermint shrimp??

As for fish I was thinking a green chromis, cheap and pretty and they stay small.

I have deep sand so was thinking a small jaw fish or some other sand loving fish?? Any thought or suggestions are greatly appreciated!

Some details on tank :
3.3 gallon
2" of sand,ten pounds I know it's way to much...
3 pounds of live rock rubble
Water depth 8" to 9"
Live rock has tons of Hitchhikers, mushrooms,coco worms, different algae ect. All doing well
I use a hang on back filter meant for a 10 to 15 gallon tank,it has a replaceable cartridge filter and a bio filter that looks like a mass of black worms..
Tank temp is 80 f
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Old 02-09-2015, 12:49 AM
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I would probably do one hermit (but something nice like a Halloween), one snail, and the peppermint. I wouldn't see much of a point with the emerald.

If you want a crab, I would suggest maybe a porcelain crab. They are far more lively, and their diet is more filter feeder style. Emeralds would probably die off quickly in a small tank like that.

As for the chromis, they definitely are not a nano fish. They prefer to be in groups, and are also very active swimmers. I would stick to a small clownfish or a clown goby.

Jawfish are not nano fish either. They probably need at least 20-30 gallons.

With the deep sand bed, You could get away with a pistol shrimp and goby pair.

In a tank this small.. I would stick to one fish max.

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Last edited by FishyFishy!; 02-09-2015 at 12:54 AM.
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Old 02-09-2015, 12:55 AM
Alberta_madcow Alberta_madcow is offline
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Cool! Thanks fishyfishy, I'll do some reading on porcelain crabs !! They look really neat
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Old 02-09-2015, 01:04 AM
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yes I was going to suggest a Halloween hermit as well. They are the best cleaners out there for algae on rocks IMO. I would also stay clear of the chromis , maybe look at some of the smaller blennys they have great personality . Had a few griesenger gobies a while back when I had a nano a little bit harder to find but one of the coolest fish out there. Or you could look for a panda gobie also not as common but would be perfect for a nano .
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Old 02-09-2015, 01:08 AM
Alberta_madcow Alberta_madcow is offline
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Awesome!! Thank you!! This is great please keep the suggestions coming.
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Old 02-09-2015, 03:19 AM
Alberta_madcow Alberta_madcow is offline
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I think I'm falling in love with gobies !!
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Old 02-09-2015, 04:57 AM
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Trio of Trimma gobies!
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Old 02-09-2015, 05:00 AM
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A deep sandbed can cause issues, so be aware of what you're getting into

I haven't retained all I read about them, so you'll have to look on the web

All I remember is I stay away from them
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Old 02-09-2015, 05:37 AM
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You could do a shrimp goby pair like the candy cane shrimp they are like an 1" long and one of the small goby's randals I think only get 2" I can't remember but there are some small ones my bro has a 5 gallon with them awesome little guys mess up the sand a lot but cool to look at
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Old 02-09-2015, 02:55 PM
Alberta_madcow Alberta_madcow is offline
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I'm definitely going with a shrimp gobie combo! As for deep sand,I know I messed that up. That's why I'm looking for sand dwelling criters and fish... I heard of snails that burrow in the sand as well??
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