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Old 11-19-2014, 05:11 AM
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Default Skimmer for a 400gal system

I'm just trying to decide on a skimmer for my soon to be 300gal/w100gal sump. I'm planning a heavy fish load with some coral in this tank. Coral are going to be a few choice softies, lps and probably a big anenome of some sort. I've owned quite a few skimmers but haven't had a tank in about four years and I find technology has come quite a ways. I'm just looking for some advice on skimmer selection. Recirculating? Needlewheel? Beckett? Reef Octopus? Vertex? Bubble King? Bubble Magus? Skimz? Deltec? So much to choose from... I'll only have about 27-28" of height to work with. Budget is not an issue but I'll surely consider something in the mid range cost if it performs well.
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Old 11-21-2014, 05:14 AM
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You couldn't get me to part with my Deltec SC2560 for all the tea in China. And I happen to like tea a great deal.
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Old 11-22-2014, 04:14 PM
DSlater DSlater is offline
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Ran our 300G system with a beckett style skimmer for over a year and could never get it dialed in for any length of time, constantly needed attention. Picked up a used Deltec 902. Once set up I haven't had to fiddle with anything, just empty once a week.
There are a few larger tangs in the tank so I could never get the nitrates down below 25ppm with the beckett, after one month of running the Deltec we are down to 10ppm.
Probably would have these results from a number of other good skimmers as well.
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Old 11-25-2014, 03:13 AM
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Originally Posted by DSlater View Post
Ran our 300G system with a beckett style skimmer for over a year and could never get it dialed in for any length of time, constantly needed attention. Picked up a used Deltec 902. Once set up I haven't had to fiddle with anything, just empty once a week.
There are a few larger tangs in the tank so I could never get the nitrates down below 25ppm with the beckett, after one month of running the Deltec we are down to 10ppm.
Probably would have these results from a number of other good skimmers as well.
Glad the beast has found a good home and is working out for u
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Old 11-25-2014, 03:37 AM
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I have had my 450 gal system running on a Reef Octopus PRO SSS-DC3 Skimmer with Controllable DC Pump for a while now and really like it.
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Old 11-25-2014, 04:53 AM
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Thanks for the replys. I haven't quite been able talk myself into spending $1900 for the TC2560 (recirculating Deltec). I've decided I'm going to try the ATI Powercone 250IS. It's rated for 250-500 gallons. If it doesn't do the trick, I'll drop the buck on the Deltec, but figure I'd like to try this skimmer. It seems to have some 'in theory' good features like a meshwheel, digital air meter, and controllable pump. This ones gonna cost $820 so if it does what I need then I can save myself over $1200 on the skimmer and of course... spend it on something else for the
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