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Old 02-02-2014, 04:20 PM
Wildechild_01 Wildechild_01 is offline
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Angry Quit or start over?

Okay, i haven't posted here much but have read tons. Have been keeping Marine Reef creatures for almost 3 years now, even completing a successful move from a 90G to a 120G last spring when i moved houses. this morning i woke up to find my Anemone had decided the VorTech was a good place to call home at some point last night. I am currently tossing all of my dead fish (oddly enough the clowns appear to be the sole survivors at this point) In the middle of massive water change and hoping i can salvage some of the coral. Im just gutted at the moment and almost ready to give up. Guessing that the mushrooms and the Zoa's will pull through, but the newly successful addition of SPS corals could prove to be a short lived expense... the one birdsnest at this point looks like i might make it but not holding my breath. The LPS look really angry and again figure all i can do is try and keep the water good and hope.

More than anything i guess this post is just me being frustrated and angry and needing to vent to people who understand what I'm dealing with, because lets face it, people who don't have marine tanks just don't get it.......

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Old 02-02-2014, 04:25 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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get some carbon running and change frequently , very large water change as well at this point.

remove any parts of the nem that are left and skim wet if you are running a skimmer.

not much else you can do but if quick you may save whats left.

im over at concept if theres anything i can do to help let me know and i will

good luck ive had it happen and im sure just about most have , its sad but at the same time is fixable.

call or pm me if you need more info 403-230-7831(concept aquariums)


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Old 02-02-2014, 05:04 PM
straightrazorguy straightrazorguy is offline
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Default Don't give up!

It sounds like you still have a fair number of corals and some fish left. I know it's a major setback, but don't get demoralized! It's a great hobby and you have a head start. Think of it as a chance to re-think everything in your tank and try the coral/fish you never could or had the opportunity to have....
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Old 02-02-2014, 05:19 PM
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Sorry for your loss.
Lots of people have made the mistake of keeping anemones with open powerheads and have had the same thing happen.
It's a good reminder to everyone to make sure you have foam covers on your powerheads.

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Old 02-02-2014, 05:26 PM
Wildechild_01 Wildechild_01 is offline
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Yeah, i didn't loose everything which is good, did loose quite a bit, I have completely dismantled my rock (well as much as possible without further damaging corals) and still have a few Chromis bodies MIA, but will keep looking, Still working on what will be about a 90G water change,(had to leave enough to keep corals covered) limted by water mixing container volumes so taking some time. Am i correct in thinking that at this point everything i can do to get stuff in the water column and down to sump will be good? Im thinking turn the VorTech up and toss a couple extra power heads in for lots of extra flow, have the carbon reactor ready to go as soon as water level in tank is back up to I can use the sump level. Will probably need to go pick up some salt and more carbon at some point today. While moving rocks around found 2 bubble tip anemones, had 1 a few days ago so now on top of bad water quality for it i have 2 trying to heal from a split.... arrggggg.... haha.... fingers crossed... and any more advice from people who've been through it successfully is appreciated.
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Old 02-02-2014, 05:34 PM
Wildechild_01 Wildechild_01 is offline
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Originally Posted by straightrazorguy View Post
It sounds like you still have a fair number of corals and some fish left. I know it's a major setback, but don't get demoralized! It's a great hobby and you have a head start. Think of it as a chance to re-think everything in your tank and try the coral/fish you never could or had the opportunity to have....
I'm thinking...... 120G Coral Only with Live rock.... or maybe sea horses......
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Old 02-02-2014, 06:02 PM
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I've come to accept these kinds of mishaps and/or crashes are part of this hobby and IMO if you're not willing to accept that yourself then you should quit because it's really just a matter of time. Wishful and unrealistic thinking to believe it can't and won't happen to you. That said the clean up does suck but the rebuild is worth it, starting over gives new opportunities
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Old 02-02-2014, 06:08 PM
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I agree, look at it as an opportunity to improve on what you have. If you truly enjoy the hobby, you will not quit. Crap happens, and all you can do is deal with it, and maybe learn something that will help you going forward. Good luck with the recovery.
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Old 02-02-2014, 06:17 PM
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I had this happen as well and feel your pain. I was able to save some pieces of the corals so just replaced what was lost and kept going.
Keep doing what you can and save as much as possible.Then decide later if you are going to quit.
150 Gal system 3'x3' 400W M/H, Bekett skimmer, Dart return,1/4 HP Chiller
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Old 02-02-2014, 06:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Reef Pilot View Post
I agree, look at it as an opportunity to improve on what you have. If you truly enjoy the hobby, you will not quit. Crap happens, and all you can do is deal with it, and maybe learn something that will help you going forward. Good luck with the recovery.

Anybody who has been in the hobby experiences this at one point or another just view it as an opportunity to improve or re-aquascape your tank
My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....
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