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Old 10-31-2013, 01:28 PM
belzebuth belzebuth is offline
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Unhappy what would you do ?

Morning everyone...just wanted to have your opinions on something

My tank sprang a leak 3 weeks ago. I was able to contact a local Fish store who had a tank custom made. I was really happy with the overall experience since they were able to get the replacement tank in a matter days.

So we built the new stand and started the tank swap routine. The new tank went up on the stand with the greatest care..even kept the wrapping plastic around it.

After levelling and plumbing the tank we then started to add the sand and water.

That's when i reallized the 1 1/2 inch scratch in the front pane... The scratch is Inside the tank and pretty tank never had any rocks in it

I am really disapointed... What would you Guys do ??? Should i call the store ??

I'm at loss with this... Can this scratch be removed, buffed out?


Last edited by belzebuth; 10-31-2013 at 01:29 PM. Reason: stupid phone spell check
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Old 10-31-2013, 01:41 PM
JmeJReefer JmeJReefer is offline
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Call store. See Wut they can do... However, if you did the damage during the moving phase, nothing they can do. Look up glass scratch repair.
YouTube it. R get someone with exp. to lend a hand.
Good luck!
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Old 10-31-2013, 01:50 PM
IanWR IanWR is offline
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I would call your lfs first. This may be a chance for them to demonstrate excellent customer service. If it is a deep scratch I don't know if that is buff out- able, but perhaps glass experts know about some sort of resin (like how they fix chips in your windshield) that could help?

I'm sure you feel terrible about this, goodess knows I would. I hope there is a fix for this that doesn't cost an arm and a leg. If it is not feasible to fix it, then maybe it's just a chance to practice accepting imperfection. Keep us posted on your progress!

- Ian
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Old 10-31-2013, 01:59 PM
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call the store to see about a replacement pane as if deep you'll won't get the scratch out and you'll be noticing it for years
my tank
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Old 10-31-2013, 02:08 PM
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Originally Posted by mark View Post
call the store to see about a replacement pane as if deep you'll won't get the scratch out and you'll be noticing it for years
I glue animals to rocks
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Old 10-31-2013, 02:34 PM
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I've tried Zirconium Oxide to polish out scratches, it's a common answer found when google searching glass polishing. It does work but only on verrrry light surfaces scratches, if you can feel it with your finger nail it's just too deep and will need to be replaced. Even if you could polish deep enough to remove a heavy scratch it would create a magnifying effect, that's worse.

I hope the store is willing and able to help you!
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Old 10-31-2013, 02:39 PM
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It's really no shirt off your back to simply call the store and ask them what they can do for you in this situation. If you are not at fault, then a reputable company with good service should be able to help you out with either a new front pane or a new tank even.
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Old 10-31-2013, 03:22 PM
belzebuth belzebuth is offline
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Hi everyone... Thanks for the advice.

I am 200% certain that the scratch was there when we took the tank home. I didn't feel the need to inspect the glass before taking the tank home since it was shrink wrapped so my mistake here

The scratch is located in the top right corner just probably 2 inch below the eurobrace.

I know it's just a scratch but it will bug me to see this for the years to come...

I will try to contact the store today and see what they say.

Will keep you posted

Thank you all
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Old 11-01-2013, 04:08 AM
BC564 BC564 is offline
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Default what happened? The suspense is killing me.
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Old 11-01-2013, 11:29 AM
belzebuth belzebuth is offline
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Hi everyone,
I did contact the store yesterday which then contacted the tank manufacturer. They were both willing to work with us and felt pretty bad considering that we had already been dealing with a leaky tank

The tank maker offered to fix the tank or the store offered a substantial credit toward equipment or livestock.

When speaking with the store employee he happened to ask: Are you sure this is a scratch ? I thought what a silly questions... he then mentioned that sometime when they seal the eurobrace a small fine hair of silicone land on the glass which could look like a scratch.

I had never considered this could be the scenario with this tank since the silicone is black and the scratch is a fine white line..Dohhh

Since I was dealing with this issue from work yesterday ... took a razor blade first thing when I came home yesterday, went to the fish room and gently went over the scratch

Ta daaa !!!! Gone, OMG I was sooo happy!

In the end two good thing came out of this:

1 - My tank is not damaged

2- The store and tank manufacturer displayed awesome customer service skills and stood behind their products which reinforce my relationship with them.

Thanks for the input all

One happy girl :
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