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Old 05-02-2004, 08:44 PM
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Default Neighbors tank

I just moved, one of my new neighbors has a 90g tank with NO and PC lighting 100lbs of live rock crushed coral substrate with under gravel filter.

Has never done a water change in 2 years. Was wondering why he can't keep any invertebrates alive. .

I would like to help him get his tank up and running properly. I have a good idea of what needs to get done but just wanted to get some other advice from some other Reefers.

Comments and suggestions please.

72g Bowfront Drilled,Lighting,2x250 10,000k MH,2 actinic T5,2/6" fans,2MJ with 1600gph convertions kits,Bullet 2 style skimmer with Mak 4,29g sump/Refugium,96W power compacts in sump, Velocity T4 Titanium "return",Life Guard 300 Fluidize bed filter,1"sand bed, 29g auto top off, 140lb LR,SPS,LPS,Softies,Zoos,2Percula Clowns, 2yellow tail Damsels,1yellow tang,2cleaner shrimp, 1six line Wrass,2 Bengaii Cardinal,1lawnmower Blenny,1sand sifting star,1TigerTailCucumber, snails,hermit crabs,Macros.
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Old 05-02-2004, 09:01 PM
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Default Re: Neighbors tank

If the guy hasn't done a water change in two years, you may have a lost cause on your hands I mean, all the work you put into getting the water back to the right chemistry and down to a small amount of nitrate and phosphate will go by the wayside unless he commits to frequent and regular maintenance.

Your desire to help this poor soul is admirable, but the first question I would ask him is how does he feel about weekly or bi-weekly maintenance.

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Old 05-02-2004, 09:09 PM
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I agree. It seems maybe his attitude (or knowledge) needs to be addressed before the tank. When the time to fix the tank comes, empty it and start over.
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Old 05-02-2004, 09:36 PM
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if you could convince him to do a large water change and then continue with Monthly changes of about 10 to 20 gal, I think you have a good chance of getting it back on tract. fist find out if he has medicated the tank as to me that sounds like more of a reason for inverts dieing than lack of water changes.

If he has you will have to throw out the rock and substrate and start all over. if not there is a good chance.

I differ from Bev in that I do not feel weekly or biweekly water changes are necessary (and also boarderline obsessive compluslive ) I lean more to wards 10 to 20% ever month or two depending on how much of a load you have in the tank.

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Old 05-02-2004, 09:45 PM
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Tell him to get his butt onto Canreef.

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Old 05-02-2004, 10:16 PM
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Steve, he has never used any medication in the tank.

Teevee, Yes I've told him I wont help him with his tank unless he gets on Canreef.

I was thinking just pull his tank apart rip out the under gravel filter do 50% water change and put him on a water change routine.

Brad and Beverly I agree I am in the proses on helping him find the information he need. He has been listening to the LF and they have been giving him very bad advice and making a lot of money off of him.

I have his latest purchase in my tank right now trying to selvage it.

Thanks for all the feed back
72g Bowfront Drilled,Lighting,2x250 10,000k MH,2 actinic T5,2/6" fans,2MJ with 1600gph convertions kits,Bullet 2 style skimmer with Mak 4,29g sump/Refugium,96W power compacts in sump, Velocity T4 Titanium "return",Life Guard 300 Fluidize bed filter,1"sand bed, 29g auto top off, 140lb LR,SPS,LPS,Softies,Zoos,2Percula Clowns, 2yellow tail Damsels,1yellow tang,2cleaner shrimp, 1six line Wrass,2 Bengaii Cardinal,1lawnmower Blenny,1sand sifting star,1TigerTailCucumber, snails,hermit crabs,Macros.
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Old 05-03-2004, 01:55 AM
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Originally Posted by TNTCanada
I was thinking just pull his tank apart rip out the under gravel filter do 50% water change and put him on a water change routine.
That sounds like a good start along with getting him on Canreef. Get him a book, too, so he can refer to it whenever he needs to. Take him to the lfs to help him select test kits and some basic additives. If he's receptive to all this stuff, your work with him may not be in vain.

Beverly's 10g Nano YouTube Channel
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