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Old 09-23-2012, 10:49 PM
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Default Maui verses los cabo

Just looking your opinions and thoughts on Maui vs los cabo .We have been to Maui many times and to the Mayan Rivera as well but never cabo . We have a five year old and a fifteen *year old . I hear there can be strong undertow at the beaches in cabo and we like to look at the fishes so not to sure about cabo . Any thoughts ? We are looking for the end of October .
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Old 09-23-2012, 10:56 PM
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Hawaii all the way. It's true that you can't really go into the water in cabo.
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Old 09-24-2012, 03:08 AM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
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I haven't been to Maui but spent 10 days on Oahu and stayed in Waikiki. There is so much to do on that island that we never got to do everything we wanted. My daughter was 7 at the time and she loved it. Water was calm and clear in the bays with plenty of sealife to see. Waikiki has a vibrant night life if you aren't ready to call it a day when the sun goes down and with police on every other street corner there are no panhandlers or trouble makers to be found. I know a few people who go to Maui every single year for their holidays and have no plans on changing that, they been to numerous places in Mexico but once they found Maui they fell in love with the island.
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Old 09-25-2012, 02:49 AM
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We can't find a lot of info on snorkeling in cabo so it looks like halloween Maui
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Old 09-25-2012, 02:54 AM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
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Originally Posted by Ram3500 View Post
We can't find a lot of info on snorkeling in cabo so it looks like halloween Maui
I don't think you will regret it!
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Old 09-25-2012, 01:05 PM
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If you've been to Maui several times, why not try something new? We had LOTS of fun in Cabo. True, the bulk of the water is not the best for swimming (but there are safe areas) , and the snorkelling requires a little bit of travel to get to but that's part of the adventure. The fishing is unsurpassed by any place I've been, and the area is amazing. Don't get me wrong, Maui is cool... had lots of fun there too. I've been twice. Seen it, done it, time for new and exciting. For me, I just can't imagine taking the same vacation over and over. To each their own though.

Oh... and Oahu is a VERY different place then Maui. You could love one and hate the other. You want to party and shop... Oahu. Relax and sunbathe... Maui.

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