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Old 06-16-2012, 07:06 AM
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Originally Posted by Nano View Post
Yep he looks nice and fat
I'd say so too
And he's not staying in one spot
Lights on or off, hes roaming everywhere
Lookin' right now, he's going after stuff that's floating ...
I'm very happy with his appetite and the fact that he's hungry and interested
Tomorrow morning should be a good time

Like I said, I feel bad for the dude I returned, but I can't save the world

The PJs are still arguing, so I'll have to see how that goes
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Old 06-16-2012, 08:06 AM
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glad to see al is well give the pj's somem time they maybeok just seeking dominance
Desperately seeking serenity ...
180g custom build

50g custom daycare tank...
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Old 06-16-2012, 08:18 AM
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I hope you're right about the PJs as I thought they were a pair at the store ......... what's going on but I would swear they were a pair when I bought them
There were about 7 in the store and these 2 hang out lots
Maybe I judged their attitudes wrong and they were the bossy ones going after each other
I hope the dominance thing settles down soon ...

Good news is the Bangaii doesn't put up with their crap, so maybe it'll stop them from bickering
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Old 06-16-2012, 08:25 AM
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my clowns tried to pick on my picaso trigger when i got it.. that lasted a day trigger gave them what for and that ended that
Desperately seeking serenity ...
180g custom build

50g custom daycare tank...

Last edited by lockrookie; 06-16-2012 at 08:32 AM.
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Old 06-18-2012, 05:38 AM
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Tonight's update
In the QT, the Clown, Bangaii and the dominant PJ are eating just fine
The other PJ is not eating as much and I may return it soon as I don't want it to starve. It's being pushed into an end of the tank and, even though food goes that way, it's not eating much. I'm disappointed as ( I've said it earlier ) I was convinced I brought home a pair that got along
Although, I won't mind having only one PJ, I thought they'd be happier in a pair, or even a group
With our stocking plans, I don't want to add any more PJs as 3 or 4 would be too much

The DT is going through a hair algae phase right now, and most of it is covered with diatoms, but it's not on all the LR, just here and there
There is some algae that looks like Bryopsis, but it's very whispy / frail looking and easy to remove
I also have some turf algae growing in small tufts, which is also easy to remove, and am not overly worried about it at this time
I'm siphoning out sand that is too ugly to look at, disturbing the algae on the LR and waiting it out
I'm sure glad I decided to add this new LR to the system now instead of after I had fishies in there, although there have been no measureable readings of anything to speak of
I only wish I had a Tang in there right now
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Old 06-18-2012, 06:15 AM
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Hmm, something to add ..
I just fed mysis, 2 kinds of fortified brine, and bloodworms, with garlic and vitamins, all mixed together
They went after it as fast as normal, but they kept eating it ( I will try this mix again tomorrow morning )
Then the lights went out and they kept eating ( as expected with the cards ) but the curious thing is, the clown kept eating too, and everyone ate the brine for the first time
The clown is all over the tank finishing off whatever he can find
15 mins and the clown is still roaming around eating every little thing he can find

Guess I was used to the clown hosting his pump and not roaming

The Bangaii is getting used to us just fine
He/she has already recognised that we are the food machines and comes right to us immediately
Great addition as the wife misses our freshwater angels
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Old 06-22-2012, 06:01 AM
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My Tunze Osmolator is sensitive to voltage changes, and the warning 'beep beep beep' goes off whenever I unplug something on it's circuit
I was going to solve this issue with a surge suppressor, but am now glad I didn't

Last night, I wasn't watching the house temp ... I hear the beeping and go to my office
Office temp was only 79, but the QT was over 81
- I've set the QT lights to turn off if the temp gets to 81
The QT lights were turning on and off. This light cycle caused the ATO to trip, which I heard from another room

Nothing like some more automation, although unplanned, to help me keep my critters safe

Today I bought a 12v power supply and wired it to a spare 120mm 1900RPM 106 CFM computer fan I had
I used some foam for dampening and a mesh screen for dust
I programmed the 12v supply on the PC4 and now the fan keeps the QT cool enough that I won't need a chiller

I'd post a pic, but Photobucket is doing maintenance
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Old 06-22-2012, 07:45 AM
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Installed the new impeller for my SK181 tonight
The restart issue is gone, but I'm not happy with the noise from the pump now
I was able to previously rid myself of the noise with a few re-starts, but now that's not the case
Hopefully it will change over time

I also now find I need to re-adjust the skimmer as the new impeller sits in a different location in the pump ( more forward to the venturi ) and it has changed the adjustment level ( water height wise )

Just a matter of re-tuning and I'm sure I'll be happy
I'm just dammed glad I didn't have to pay big bucks for the impeller upgrade

Ce La Vie, it works
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Old 06-24-2012, 05:34 AM
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The frag meet today @ Bblinks's was awesome
Got to meet many others
Brought home more frags than I thought I would ...

Here's some, but not all
Crappy pics with a Sony WX5 and some PO'd corals in the shots ...

I brought home over a dozen frags, but the camera wouldn't show them all

I glued one Monty to the overflow box, so this should be interesting

Stay posted as they grow
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Old 06-24-2012, 05:51 AM
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Originally Posted by gregzz4 View Post
I glued one Monty to the overflow box, so this should be interesting

jk I did it cause it seem like a good use of useless space lol.
looks like you got fragged up today bud! Can wait (as I'm sure you can't either) for it to be all full and grown in!
I'm not 'fallow' you must be talking about my tank!
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