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Old 04-03-2012, 10:00 PM
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Default Josh's 60G True Cube

Alright I am goning to jump the gun here and start a tank build thread before I have the tank.

The tank I am buying off of a fellow Canreefer (therealshark) is a 24x24x24 sumpless marineland cube equaling a 59.899 gallons (let's call it 60G from now on). The tank happens to come with a aqua euro skimmer capable of 100G tanks. A 250Watt MH with a 14K bulb. and some other goodies.

The idea here is to run with the tank the skimmer and phase everything else out with new stuff. Heres the list:

Light AI SOL White with hanging bracket and AI controller
Fans 1 MP20 ES with wireless controller
Extra Filter Simple hang on back for carbon and detrius catch.
Sensors Temp, PH

Pretty basic setup.

I know some of you may comment on the lack of fans, so I will answer those questions before they are brought up. This tank is going to be a LPS/Zoa/Paly/Softy tank only. I only require one spot to be high flow with the flow gradually getting weaker the further from the fan you get. Allowing me a vast selection of flow strengths to choose from. And there will be approx. 500 GPH flow at the top caused from the skimmer and the over the top filter.

I want to go with a coarse substrate. Crushed coral or the current substrate I have in my 30G. I like having a heavy substrate because it doesn't get blown around easily and the way I set it down is usually the way it stays.

Aquascape is gonna be exploratory for me, I have an idea what I want but like everyone else it will be decided once it's laid out. One thing for certain is that I want to take advantage of the height of the tank.

Anyways till I get some pictures for you folks I will leave it at that!
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Old 04-03-2012, 11:15 PM
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Sounds like its time to break out the zap straps and epoxy putty and build your rock work tall . Or find some nice sps to top it off and let it do the fill in work.
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Old 04-04-2012, 05:46 AM
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Originally Posted by toytech View Post
Sounds like its time to break out the zap straps and epoxy putty and build your rock work tall . Or find some nice sps to top it off and let it do the fill in work.
I will definitly use the zip tye approach. its got to build up to a 17" height after all.
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Old 04-16-2012, 06:38 AM
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Picture: Compare old vs new, go ahead and guess which is which

No time for story yet though!

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Old 04-16-2012, 06:38 AM
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and yes i know the light is off center in this picture, fixed that already lol
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Old 04-16-2012, 06:56 AM
martinmcnally martinmcnally is offline
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I would just modify the SOL White for a SOL Super Blue. Much better coloration for corals.
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Old 04-16-2012, 06:58 AM
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Originally Posted by martinmcnally View Post
I would just modify the SOL White for a SOL Super Blue. Much better coloration for corals.
yeah? the sol blue is the fixture that comes with one white, one blue and one royal blue per puck?
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Old 04-16-2012, 07:01 AM
martinmcnally martinmcnally is offline
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Originally Posted by bauder1986 View Post
yeah? the sol blue is the fixture that comes with one white, one blue and one royal blue per puck?
Yup, I can show you the difference some day if you want to call by.
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Old 04-16-2012, 07:03 AM
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Originally Posted by martinmcnally View Post
Yup, I can show you the difference some day if you want to call by.
would love it man, ill txt you my days off and you can let me know from there when.
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Old 04-16-2012, 06:04 PM
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Alright time for the story.

Bought the tank from Mike(therealshark) yesterday. He threw in a sunlight supply lumen max elite pendant with a new in package aquaconnest 14k bulb and a sunlight supply blue wave dual 250w ballast(dont worry Martin, I still intend on buying a AI Sol from you and putting greg to work on the mounting bracket!) and a couple of other goodies.

The tank is in great shape and so is the stand! Very happy with this purchase from him and willing to vouch for anything he sells.

I also purchased a MP40WES from him which works perfectly. I have it set at Lagoon mode with a max output of 65% total power. Seems to keep the substrate in place at this setting.

Bought some used sand substrate from Greg(grizz) yesterday and when I told him of the MP40 going into the tank, his eyes almost popped out of his head. Said something about insane flow....Ok I will go with that lol.

I got the substrate in and the water mixed last night.

I started the cycle today by taking the over the top filter from my current 30 gallon which is loaded with rubble, carbon and coarse sponge filter and lots of detrius and good levels of healthy bacteria and tossed it onto the 60 gallon. I felt that it would be a very good way to seed the new tank and help cycle it.

Now, I have no LR in it yet but my intention is to slowly start transfering everything from the old tank to the new tank. Also I am on the look out for some nice large and flat pieces of LR to help build the aqua scape up wards.

Now I need opinions. How do all feel about taking water from another tank which is fully cycled and very mature with low nutrients and putting it in new systems? Reason I am asking is because while I am waiting to put everything into the new tank, I want to take the waste water of the water changes on the old tank and dump it into the new tank as a booster for the cycle. I dont believe I have anything bad in the old tank, no bacteria algea, no disease and stuff like that. But still, want you opinions on it.
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