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Old 02-24-2012, 01:13 AM
Kain Kain is offline
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Default snail help

So I have a 29G Biocube that I have been running for almost a year now and a friend had it for a year before me. Now everything has been great and have not had many problems except for Aptasia that I found in my tank and I threw out that rock.

Now the reason i found it was because my filter clogged while I was out and Air bubbles were blowing out of my pump for 8 - 10 hours without me knowing about it. Since then I found my smaller snails upside down but would still twitch. Now my small ones are not twitching and i removed a few that were no longer moving or thought were maybe dead. Now my 2 big Turbo snails are turned over and like completely pushed out of their shells. They still go back inside if you touch them. I have 2 other snails that have been in the tank nearly 2 years and they are doing this as well now. It all happend with the air bubbles. I have provided pictures. The other thing that is happening now since then is this orange, brown slime with bubbles on it that is starting to grow like algea. I am constantly removing it every couple days by scraping it off and have down 4 water changes in the last 2 weeks and snails are not getting better and this stuff not going away. I am fairly new to this and hoping someone has some information for me to point me in the right direction.

Thanks in advance
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Old 02-24-2012, 01:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Kain View Post
So I have a 29G Biocube that I have been running for almost a year now and a friend had it for a year before me. Now everything has been great and have not had many problems except for Aptasia that I found in my tank and I threw out that rock.

Now the reason i found it was because my filter clogged while I was out and Air bubbles were blowing out of my pump for 8 - 10 hours without me knowing about it. Since then I found my smaller snails upside down but would still twitch. Now my small ones are not twitching and i removed a few that were no longer moving or thought were maybe dead. Now my 2 big Turbo snails are turned over and like completely pushed out of their shells. They still go back inside if you touch them. I have 2 other snails that have been in the tank nearly 2 years and they are doing this as well now. It all happend with the air bubbles. I have provided pictures. The other thing that is happening now since then is this orange, brown slime with bubbles on it that is starting to grow like algea. I am constantly removing it every couple days by scraping it off and have down 4 water changes in the last 2 weeks and snails are not getting better and this stuff not going away. I am fairly new to this and hoping someone has some information for me to point me in the right direction.

Thanks in advance
Hows your water Chemistry that would really help. =\

The orange brown slime, is it on the sand bed? or on the glass, sounds like diatoms, or red slime algae.
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Old 02-24-2012, 01:53 AM
Kain Kain is offline
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The algae slime is only on the glass.

I just tested water and it is

PH 8.2
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 10ppm
Ammonia 0

temp is 79.9 F
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Old 02-24-2012, 01:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Kain View Post
The algae slime is only on the glass.

I just tested water and it is

PH 8.2
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 10ppm
Ammonia 0

temp is 79.9 F

Have you done anything differently? What's the source of these bubbles, sorry I will re read your post to see if these were answered.

I don't really know, Hopefully someone with more experience can add some suggestions. Does your tank have a sump and the pump was clogged on the return? Or are you running a canister filter and it was clogged? If your canister was clogged it might have crashed the tank when you un clogged it sending all the deterious it had previously filtered into your tank causing a crash and spike in Nitrates, Phos and whatever else? Which might have returned to normal after the water changes and your filter working properly.

However I would suggest you remove the dead snails from the tank to not cause any spikes due to them decaying, as for the algae sounds like diatoms if its brown and growing on the glass.

Last edited by HaZRaTTy; 02-24-2012 at 02:05 AM.
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Old 02-24-2012, 03:03 AM
Kain Kain is offline
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The filter got clogged that allows water in the second chamber in the back of the biocube. Maybe it being clogged caused a bunch of crap from the bioballs in the second chamber to come out?

I read somewhere I should remove the balls which I might do. It looks pretty dirty in there the few times i have cleaned back there. I saw a media tray you can buy that you can add stuff to that is better.
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Old 02-24-2012, 03:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Kain View Post
The filter got clogged that allows water in the second chamber in the back of the biocube. Maybe it being clogged caused a bunch of crap from the bioballs in the second chamber to come out?

I read somewhere I should remove the balls which I might do. It looks pretty dirty in there the few times i have cleaned back there. I saw a media tray you can buy that you can add stuff to that is better.

I agree, Remove the Bioballs - They are just a ticking time bomb, without proper cleaning and upkeep they are a Factory of Bad Stuff.
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