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Old 01-25-2012, 06:44 PM
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160 gallon Reef, almost all SPS, a few LPS, small handfull of Zoas, and 5 clams. LOVING the upgrade (now that most of the work is done!)

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Old 01-25-2012, 08:30 PM
unclesalty unclesalty is offline
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Originally Posted by Bblinks View Post
AI puts out more par then the rest (ref. Dr Sanjay's review on reef builder)but pur is really what we should be looking at. regardless I think if you are used to metal halide with t5's, you will find 2 ai over your tank will be bit on the dark side. I have asked the same question on my 300. Most think 6 units is enough, ai recommands 12 units so I decided to go with 9 units. It does have good coverage but because I have them mounted under a canopy, they are 8 inches awl so I still have some shaded parts even with 9 units. Don't get me wrong, I was running 3units 18 inches awl on my 210 sps heavy tank and it was enough light coverage for it, but with it so high I was running them like my halides, ramp up 1 hour, 6 hours of full intensity then ramp down 1 hour. so if you run 2 units 14-18 inches awl, you should have good enough coverage but you do sacrifice intensity. I would start with 2 units and hang'em high up and see how you like it and go from there.
Excellent post Rich and you definately know what your talking about!! I bet 9 on your tank looks awesome.
Most people cheap on their AI fixtures and then they wonder why they lacking par with them raised so high to achieve the coverage. People that I have talked to that have AI's agree with no less than 6 fixtures for a 180g.
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Old 01-25-2012, 08:44 PM
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Originally Posted by unclesalty View Post
Excellent post Rich and you definately know what your talking about!! I bet 9 on your tank looks awesome.
Most people cheap on their AI fixtures and then they wonder why they lacking par with them raised so high to achieve the coverage. People that I have talked to that have AI's agree with no less than 6 fixtures for a 180g.
Thanks Darryl. Those AI's do look awesome on the tank, I am almost ready to get 3 more...
I bet the radions would look even better but they are just too rich for me. 9 radion would be well over 7k with taxes. I can only wait till you get your tank running and see them on yours.
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Old 01-25-2012, 08:51 PM
unclesalty unclesalty is offline
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Do you agree with me my thoughts here from what I seen from my AI(yours now) ?
4 AI's with 3 at the very minimum on a 4 ft 120g and 6 AI's or 5 at the very minimum on a 6ft 180g?
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Old 01-25-2012, 09:08 PM
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Originally Posted by unclesalty View Post
Do you agree with me my thoughts here from what I seen from my AI(yours now) ?
4 AI's with 3 at the very minimum on a 4 ft 120g and 6 AI's or 5 at the very minimum on a 6ft 180g?
You bet buddy. 4 for 120 and 6 for 180. That is if you want decent coverage. Many can argue that you can get away with less, but like everything else, YES you can get away with it but is it optimal, NO!
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Old 01-25-2012, 09:14 PM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
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Originally Posted by unclesalty View Post
Do you agree with me my thoughts here from what I seen from my AI(yours now) ?
4 AI's with 3 at the very minimum on a 4 ft 120g and 6 AI's or 5 at the very minimum on a 6ft 180g?
I have 2 AI fixtures on a 3' long tank that is 2' wide and have no dim areas at all. The lights are a foot above the water line and my neglected SPS pieces started to color back up and recover bare skeleton parts after 2 weeks. Intensity is at 40% for white and 50% for blues. I definetly would not buy a third fixture.
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Old 01-25-2012, 09:20 PM
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I guess I should add that my tank is only 20" deep with a 1" sandbed as I'm not a fan of tall tanks.
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Old 01-25-2012, 09:40 PM
clowny clowny is offline
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with your 3 foot tank is your spacing 4 inches from each end and 4 inches from each other or do you have them the other direction? as with a whole other foot added that would double to 8 inches from each end and eachother with them parallel to each other.

Also checking into Modular LED set up as well so fingers crossed on that too. In Doch post the recommendation are for 2 with them 12 inches above the water, I will start with that after I hear from Modular LED, and increase lights if/when necessary. But having 4 would be sweet that way they wouldnt be parallel and i could have any coral anywhere which is what I really want, no one wants restrictions on their tanks.
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Old 01-26-2012, 12:37 AM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
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Originally Posted by clowny View Post
with your 3 foot tank is your spacing 4 inches from each end and 4 inches from each other or do you have them the other direction? as with a whole other foot added that would double to 8 inches from each end and eachother with them parallel to each other.

Also checking into Modular LED set up as well so fingers crossed on that too. In Doch post the recommendation are for 2 with them 12 inches above the water, I will start with that after I hear from Modular LED, and increase lights if/when necessary. But having 4 would be sweet that way they wouldnt be parallel and i could have any coral anywhere which is what I really want, no one wants restrictions on their tanks.
My lights are the other way with 8" from the sides of the tank and 8" in between fixtures. I agree that if you go this route to try fewer fixtures and see if you want more or not. Modular is nice to as you can space the LEDs out to your own personal preferance and aren't limited to what a manufacturer gives you.
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