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Old 10-05-2011, 07:18 AM
Corbin Corbin is offline
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Default My 33g AIO reef

So i had a 5.5 gallon nano, it got a little over crowded way to fast.
i brought a 33 - and decided i had a bunch of acrylic from a old cheap 10 dollar tank and some computer cases
so i made a little AIO unit (it looks really ugly cuz i did it all with a pocket knife cuz my tools are in storage ), with room for the heater, skimmer in/out, room for a fuge and a mechanical filter when needed.
its really empty now since i had 3 fish and a hand full of inverts and a few different corals in my 5.5, but im broke now, buying a new lighting system.
Anyways heres some pictures of it so far, more better pictures later.

The AIO before painting

Rock sand water just added

Someone apperently took a picture of me and i didnt even notice

Its clearing up

These were quick photos, ill get fancy ones in a day or two when its clear.
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Old 10-10-2011, 12:47 AM
Corbin Corbin is offline
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Everything is finally happy in the tank, besides a acro frag still isnt putting its polyps out.
Got a bit of a diatom bloom going on, but seems to be going away slowly. cutting down the 10k lights after only a couple hours.
fish are happy, inverts have been molting, which made me realise i have a crab hiding somewhere in there still fairly small by the size of the skeleton i found.

heres some newer pictures.
Still want to get a school of these guys to bad most LFS dont order them unless asked.

The 6 line is so hard to take a picture of, he runs whenever he sees the camera
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Old 10-14-2011, 03:54 AM
Corbin Corbin is offline
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Its doing good, added some more snails to help with the diatoms and algae.
but im really confused. i have no Phosphates,ammonia 0, nitrate/ite are both 0, or 0.5. pH 8. calcium is getting back down to the mid 400s
so not sure why im getting so much algae, i bearly run all 4 T5s all day anyways, i guess it could just be still new.. only a couple months in. LR was from active tanks though.
And another weird thing, i tested the KH And GH today the KH was 12/214ppm, but the GH was unmessurable, 12 drops is the most on the API chart, i added 30, and it wasnt even about to change color, any ideas?
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Old 10-15-2011, 04:27 AM
MKLKT MKLKT is offline
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What source is your top off water? Getting a large macro algae going in that refuge will go a long way to helping absorb unwanted phosphates, nitrates, etc. The corals seem happy enough so it might just naturally starve out as well.
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Old 10-15-2011, 04:39 AM
Corbin Corbin is offline
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i just started adding macro to the refuge, it still needs a lot more. like 3, 10' things of Caulepra. so yeah.
the water is straight tap water. I cant do RO/DI cuz well i live with room mates and have 1 tap in the place and unless i get barrels of water to do it with. and i live in a like 12x12 room so yeah.

Still the phos test is showing no more then 0.5.. the corals are doing great the SPS are even growing new branches, a acro frag died but i think it was jsut ****ed off from tank changes, didnt acclimate it properly.
but within 2 days all glass is completely covered in diatom and algae.

got some more cerith snails to help with it. probably just needs more time.
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Old 11-08-2011, 12:20 AM
Corbin Corbin is offline
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Corbin is on a distinguished road

Some new pictures, Everything is getting better 90% of the diatoms are gone and getting lots of growth.

PS, dont mind the ugly AIO thingy at the back, it was all black but the snails have managed to get the paint off where the silicone is haha.
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