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Old 08-22-2011, 05:00 AM's Avatar is offline
Second Best
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Default Copepod explosion in reef tank?

ive got a 40 gallon cube tank with a 33 gallon sump on it and in the past few days ive noticed that the glass is covered in copepods, there are no fish in the tank other than a scooter blenny and im wondering if that is why, its moderatly stocked with lps and softies, a carpet anemone and a tube anemone.

whats the best way to catch them to xfer them to my other tanks?
are to many copepods a bad thing?

also the scooter is getting lazy, it no longer moves to get its food, it lets the food come to it
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Old 08-22-2011, 05:26 AM
Bloodasp Bloodasp is offline
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I have never heard anyone say they have too much of those critters before. So i don't think they cause any trouble, except probably when they all die at the same time.
Well you can transfer them by putting some of the rocks in your setup into the other tank.
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Old 08-22-2011, 05:56 AM
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How often do you feed the tank?

I find that if I slow my feedings down to 2 or 3 times a week then my scooter blenny and six line go to town on the pods. That usually will keep the pod numbers down as well as giving the pod population less to eat and therefore won't multiply as fast.

I had a pod explosion once and they bothered my palys and zoas to a point where they would close up tight for the entire night and for most of the day. Saw them eating food off of the palys and zoas at night and it seemed to irritate them.
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Old 08-22-2011, 06:09 AM's Avatar is offline
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Originally Posted by scherzo View Post
How often do you feed the tank?

I find that if I slow my feedings down to 2 or 3 times a week then my scooter blenny and six line go to town on the pods. That usually will keep the pod numbers down as well as giving the pod population less to eat and therefore won't multiply as fast.

I had a pod explosion once and they bothered my palys and zoas to a point where they would close up tight for the entire night and for most of the day. Saw them eating food off of the palys and zoas at night and it seemed to irritate them.
i dont feed the tank at all other than some krill for the anemones and mysis fed out of a syringe for some of the corals

and then all the liquid coral food stuff ontop of that
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Old 08-22-2011, 01:11 PM
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My glass use to be covered with copepods. Then I got a mandarin and he keeps the population in check
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