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Old 07-28-2011, 01:23 AM
rickwaines rickwaines is offline
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Default post modern sump

A little background. I have kept fresh most of my life but never salt. I am planning one now though.

So, a long time ago(early 90's), in a far away land (switzerland), I met a guy who was building his own housing for his desktop computer out of acrylic. I sure thought it was an very slick idea, and it looked fantastic.

I am thinking of applying this idea to a sump/cabinet. I would like the cabinet that my 24x24x16 (size approx as I am still planning), Tank will sit upon to be an acrylic cabinet/sump. A see through cabinet that houses the sump and all the gear. The cabinet would be approximately 24x24x30. I plan to access the cabinet with full size door on the front. The bottom third would be the main sump with skimmer, and return pump.

Here are my questions. I imagine this has been done before. What hasn't.
Anyone know of a build like this?
Would a cascade of compartments work for the pre filter and the refugium before arriving in the sump proper?
Is it possible to keep an acrylic sump "clean"? I am new to salt and as I look at the few pics I have of peoples sumps it seems that there is a range of "cleanliness". Is this simply due to out of sight out of mind for the "dirty" ones? Or, are the "clean" ones simply new.
Are there pieces of equipment besides the sump that people feel they would be lost without? Calcium reactors, Phosphate whatchyamacallits. I am planning for soft corals and fish.

Perhaps that is all for now. I look forward to your thoughts. And please bear with my beginner salt mind.

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Old 07-28-2011, 02:09 AM
syncro syncro is offline
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Cool idea. This might give you some ideas:

I suspect acrylic won't be strong enough - at least at reasonably priced thicknesses. Maybe internal steel frame?
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Old 07-28-2011, 07:46 AM
monocus monocus is offline
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Default arcrylic stand

not only would it cost a fortune for a thick arcrylic to hold the weight of the tank safely,you wouldn't be able to control a alternating sump/tank lighting.coraline algae would be a headache to clean off your sump as it will build up and take away the "clean" appearance.detrus will accumilate in the refugium,and in my sump i have an over abundance of spaghetti worms,which no matter how many times you clean them off they will come back.i also have sponges growing at different places throughout the sump,which would again take away the clean look
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Old 07-28-2011, 04:15 PM
rickwaines rickwaines is offline
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thanks everyone. Keep the thoughts coming. I should say that my hope isn't for a CLEAN CLEAN antiseptic look. I just want to see if I can avoid a gong show of gunk. Pictures of your set-ups would help. There is a post asking for pics but there aren't so many yet.
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