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![]() Hi about 2 months ago when I was working out of town I got a call from my wife telling me everything was eaither dead or dieing she described it as everything was crawling out from under the rocks and dieing I lost 2 clowns a coral buety half a dozen crabs and well over a hundred amphipods but to my supprised when I came back and finally got a chance to exam the tank I noticed all my corals were fine and doing great as well as a hermit crab that hangs out on the top of my life rock ( all my corals are placed mid to high in my tank) I have no explanation for the loss water peramiters were all within range so after doing numerous water changes and battling red slime algie for the past month I decide to take a gamble and add two chromis to the tank as a test project if any one has ever had the same thing happen or any ideas or clues to what have might caused this I will appreciate all feed back
![]() Its hard to say without more information. Age of the system, equipment, water parameters, pictures etc would certainly help.
"We shall dive down through black abysses... and in that lair of the Deep Ones we shall dwell amidst wonder and glory forever." - H.P. Lovecraft Old 120gal Tank Journal New 225gal Tank Journal May 2010 TOTM The 10th Annual Prince George Reef Tank Tour |
![]() Sounds odd, is there any chance that there was a large temperature swing?
![]() Oxygen?
![]() The tank is a 25 gallon marine land bow front I'm running a prizem hang on skimmer to hydor koralia 425 gph power heads a flu valve 205 canister filter one eheim jäger submersible water heater 100 w lights are t5 with both bulbs I have about 40 pounds of live rock 30 pounds of carab sea sand and I use coral reef brand salt my salinty is usually between 1.023 and 1.025 aminnia is 0 nitrate and nitrite are zero ph is 8.2 that's my readings for today I have frog spawn hammer corals xneia and a brain coral hopefully this can add some insight I will post a picture soon
![]() Negitive on the tempature swing and I've never moved my rocks around I was thinking it might have been a dead spot pocket built up under the rocks but I would think if it was my corals and hermit would have died
![]() did you add any fish to your tank right before this happened?
Flash - Free Agent Fb- edmonton fish coral and hardware buy and sell! |
![]() Negitive but I did buy the two chromis and frog spawn off u yesterday lol
![]() well I know that silly!!! just askin about your other fish... a parasite that one of them was carrying?
Flash - Free Agent Fb- edmonton fish coral and hardware buy and sell! |
![]() The only thing out of the ordinary that I noticed was about a week before the coral beauty came down with ich pretty bad for about 3 days out of the blue but I've delta with ich tons of times so I don't think it was that