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Old 12-19-2010, 03:42 AM
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Default Clownfish Pairing

I have 2 maroon's in my tank, one defiantly looks female, but i don't really think they have paired up. I got them at the same time back when my tank was fresh<2 1/2 years or more?>, so I don't blame them<would you really want to sleep with your sister?>

should I get them some fresh meat?

they host on separate patches of green rodadactis mushrooms 6-8 inches from each other, not really together.
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Old 12-20-2010, 03:23 PM
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I bought a pair of cinnamon clowns about a year ago, it became extra obvious which one was female after about 3 months, she ended up being almost double his size. They started laying eggs about 2 months ago, there's only a couple of days between broods (too bad I'm not set up to raise rotifers!).

I would have thought that if they were going to pair they would have done so by now. How old were they when you bought them? Is it possible you managed to get two females?
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Old 12-20-2010, 03:49 PM
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My clowns are definitely a pair, you can tell because she is 2x the size of the boy.
She kinda beats him up with little nips for what seems to be no apparent reason, im sure he don't mind cus they still swim everywhere together, hes no more then 3-5 inches away at any given time.
Where ever she swims hes right there, they both live in a large carpet anemone, and they lay eggs every 2 weeks or so.
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Old 12-20-2010, 06:18 PM
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Funny, I was just reading last night that Clowns are all male but possess both male and female genitalia...The most dominent (larger) of the pair will assume the role of female

I look at my clowns in a whole light,
Glass box with stoney stuff and fisches...
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