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View Poll Results: How do YOU keep Nitrates and Phosphates low?
Zeovit 9 11.54%
Ultralith 3 3.85%
DSB 5 6.41%
Vodka Dosing 7 8.97%
Vitamin C Dosing 0 0%
Other Carbon Dosing (Vinegar, sugar, etc) 11 14.10%
Macroalgae Export 28 35.90%
Water Changes Only 25 32.05%
Skimming Only 31 39.74%
Other (Please post) 17 21.79%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 78. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 09-27-2010, 06:38 PM
ScubaSteve ScubaSteve is offline
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Default How do YOU lower your Nitrates and Phosphates?

So for the past while I have been using an experimental reactor I created (I'll post the details of it one day... ain't like nothin' you've seen before) to keep the 'trates and 'phates at bay. It's been working like a charm and nitrates have never gone above 1 ppm since the reactor has been online... that is until Saturday night when my HOB filter crapped out and caused all sorts of ruckus.

After the filter fiasco my nitrates hopped up to 10 ppm. At this time I am considering rebuilding the reactor to make some improvements and trying out a new method to bring the nitrates back down just for comparison purposes.

So... I want to know what you all are doing to lower nitrates and phosphates!

I would appreciate the input! I also must say that I am not going the zeovit route; I simply don't trust any method where I can't know the ingredients going into my tank. But I'd still like to see who is using it just the same.
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Old 09-27-2010, 08:08 PM
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Currently I'm running ultralith but I only dose every 3 days and frankly I'm not seeing much action from that. To lower phosphates I run phosban and to lower nitrates I do weekly waterchanges. My phosphates run about 0.015ppm (Deltec kit) and nitrates 2.5ppm (Salifert kit)
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Old 09-27-2010, 09:00 PM
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I've done Zeovit in the past and it worked OK, so I voted that I use it but it's not a "I use it currently" situation.

Had to also add "Other" in there because I run the solid-vodka pellets. Wasn't sure if that fit under "Other" or "Other Carbon dosing (vinegar, sugar, etc.)".

But I've also run sulfur reactors as well in the past. So that too counts as an "other". I was never happy with that. They were hard to set up and .. well, they just didn't work all that well anyhow.

Also ran a remote DSB. Also was not happy with that.

Pellets have been a good balance of "automated thing I can run in a reactor" and "does not require too much effort on my part". It's not been a perfect magic bullet, I still need to watch how much I feed and so on and keep up with water changes. I also had bleaching occur in one tank after I put on pellets. I don't know if there's a relationship there or not but the timing sure seems suspect. However there were no losses.
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Old 09-27-2010, 09:12 PM
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I had several soft coral and LPS bleach when I tried out biopellets as well. So right now I'm just using a large skimmer, 10% weekly water changes and a little macro algae to keep nitrate undetectable in my system (according to Elos and API).
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Old 09-27-2010, 09:23 PM
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Water changes, Pellets, and Prodibio reef kit. My Nitrates are 4 and coming down slowly, Phosphates are 0.00 (Hanna)
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Old 09-27-2010, 09:33 PM
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Hey, did the colours come back after you discontinued the pellets? It's been at least 3 months for me and there is no sign of the colours coming back. I replaced the light in case it was the lamp to blame for the bleaching but it did not make a difference. I have not discontinued the pellets though. Maybe I should?

Originally Posted by whatcaneyedo View Post
I had several soft coral and LPS bleach when I tried out biopellets as well. So right now I'm just using a large skimmer, 10% weekly water changes and a little macro algae to keep nitrate undetectable in my system (according to Elos and API).
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Old 09-27-2010, 09:33 PM
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Water changes, pellets. The pellets work for me but I find I have to dose a little "Coral Snow" or I get a small amount of cyano.
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Old 09-27-2010, 09:45 PM
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Funnily enough I have never had a problem with any Cyano or cloudiness or bleaching with using the beads
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Old 09-27-2010, 09:54 PM
ScubaSteve ScubaSteve is offline
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Man, some of these other methods sounds like finicky headaches with a potential for disaster. Making me reconsider my idea of trying something else...
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Old 09-27-2010, 09:55 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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mostly water changes for nitrates iVe went down from 20 to 5 but ive had to replace old rock and cut my feeding down alot. it would seem im stuck ay 5 though so im considering other options so ill be following along here closely

for my new set up after christmas im going to be using a phosban reactor and keeping a better eye on things right from the start.

my old 180 i bought second hand off another reefer , nitrates were off the chart ,literally ,lol we took it on as a project and got them down to 40 with massive water changes and reduced light to kill the hair algae. id say about 80% of the tank was completely engulfed in hair algae and not the odd patch i mean completely covered in long algae.all ther corals were dead and covered in algae all the glass was covered and only but a couple of fish were saveable ahhh goodtimes learned alot from that set up
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