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Old 09-19-2010, 04:31 AM
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Default What De-humidifier are you using???

Wasnt sure how reef topic this one is so i'll put it in the lounge. Now that I have my salt tank, freshwater tank, freshwater resivoir, saltwater resivoir, and feeder tank all flooding 1/4 of my basement im starting to notice that wonderful humidity creeping up as were no longer keeping the doors and windows open as the temperature drops into the negatives. I started looking on the net about de-humidifier reviews and such but we all know how useless that can be sometimes, then my wife just asked "why dont you ask your fish people as there all probably just as crazy as you with the amount of puddles in the basement". So.... what de-humidifiers are you using to control the evap in your house?? Most of the ones I see in Home Depot or Canadian tire seem like they may be too small for a house situation or the amount of water evap from the systems. My resivoirs are covered to help there but I dont want to cover the tanks or sumps with anything except screen for better gas transfer, heat dispersion and other such things. Thanks in advance for any input!
"I think were doomed."

"Nah, unless they got any big, giant robot camels I think were ok."

"Ah.....Jim.......robot camels"
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Old 09-19-2010, 05:06 AM
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I used to have a Maytag. It lasted for about 5 years before suddenly dying on me one winter. I don't know what the exact size was but it could pull nearly 2 gal of water out of the air daily. I don't feel like forking out $200 for another one so our place gets up to about 70% in the winter now. Plastic on the windows eliminates the problem of condensation and even if it wasn't for the tanks we would still have issues with mold because of how poorly built and outdated this rental is.
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