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Old 08-15-2010, 12:10 AM
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Default Looking for a Proposal - Reef aquarium "audit"

I was driving around...thinking of my tank like I do every other thought...pathetic I know.

Being relatively new to reefs "three years with a 34 gallon and now a 90 gallon but many years of freshwater, something donned on me.

I should be able to work towards a beautiful tank like I see on Canreef. I understand patience though but maybe I'm going in the wrong direction or just slighly off course

Having said all this I'm looking for an experienced reefer who might be interested in coming over to my house and "auditing" my reef and overall setup for a fee of some sort....awesome run on sentence.

I'm thinking things like: critiques/comments/suggestions on
  1. Discussion of reefing goals
  2. Placements of coral by type (should this guy be moved here or there)
  3. Powerhead/flow suggestions (do you see dead spots, should I add another PH or just move the ones I have, are they too small, too big for my reefing goals)
  4. Overall sump/display tank setup
  5. Bringing your testing kits and giving me a basic snap shot assessment of basic chemistry (Ca, Alk, Mag, etc) (plus to see if my test kits are trending right)
  6. Tips on feeding and other routines
  7. Any other tips/suggestions
I'm thinking like 30-45 minutes for say $40

Any thoughts on this....potentially interesting service for some enterprising reefer.

I'm based in Douglasdale SE Calgary

Let me know if you're intestested and a small bit on your reefing experience.

This is an addiction just the same.....shoulda stuck with the crack
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Old 08-15-2010, 12:15 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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i would like to do this also in edmonton as long as it wasnt to costly, maybe some beer, frags and a bbq for some services and advice ill tag along to see if anyone bites
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Old 08-15-2010, 12:20 AM
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People actually pay for this kind of service !

I'm in Douglasdale and your more than welcome to stop over and I can give you the speel, I will even throw in $40-$50 worth of frags for your $40- $50 purchase . What is it that you seem to be having problems with, there is free advice all around you.
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Old 08-15-2010, 12:24 AM
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I don't doubt i couldn't get answers here...plenty of help.....but nothing beats seeing things in person....

This is an addiction just the same.....shoulda stuck with the crack
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Old 08-15-2010, 12:46 AM
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Good luck keeping it to 35-40 minutes! These are fish people we are talking about! I would help you out (for free), but I am a little far away.
~ Mindy

SPS fanatic.

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Old 08-15-2010, 12:47 AM
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Hey I'm open to talking longer......i love talking about tanks!!

This is an addiction just the same.....shoulda stuck with the crack
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Old 08-15-2010, 01:39 AM
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Buy me a plane ticket, I'll come over!!
~ Mindy

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Old 08-15-2010, 02:07 AM
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
Good luck keeping it to 35-40 minutes! These are fish people we are talking about! I would help you out (for free), but I am a little far away.
this is totally true. going over for 15min turns into 2 hours or talking.

i would help out as well. take zoaelite up on his offer, his system worth checking out
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Old 08-15-2010, 02:25 AM
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With out even seeing your tank I would advise you that each tank is unique to the reefer creating it and I look at it as a form of living art. You now what you like and you create what you think looks good and alter until you are satisfied. I'm in my tenth year and still moving and changing things. I also don't care for the trends I do what is aesthetically pleasing to me. If others like wonderful if not no biggie most eyes see differently.
Of course you have boundaries and limitations but my self I've relied on good books rather than other reefers free info.
I understand the consulting on other issues like flow, feeding ect. But I think the overall look should be what you like

Last edited by o.c.d.; 08-15-2010 at 02:29 AM.
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Old 08-15-2010, 02:40 AM
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Frozenocean Frozenocean is offline
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Thanks ocd

I always value opinions and filter them with what I know, need or ....I know what i like and I'll move towards it. I think a second set of eyes is always good on any project be it work or hobby.

I agree on the art 90G is the centre piece of my living room.


This is an addiction just the same.....shoulda stuck with the crack
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