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Old 05-31-2010, 05:22 PM
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Default stupid sand wont stop moving!!!

Ok WTH is going on. I flatten the sand out a bit and then it starts pilling up near the power heads. And i mean big piles, like 5-6inches high close the power heads.

And then around the rocks it goes to bare bottom. Ideas on how to keep it in one place? The power heads are towards the bottom of the tank pointed slightly up, should they be up top instead?
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Old 05-31-2010, 05:32 PM
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What size substrate did you use ? You might have to use larger grain, no less than 1mm or even larger depends how much flow you have happening. Try moving the power heads around, like higher up.

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Old 05-31-2010, 05:38 PM
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i use
its actually really nice looking sand. I dont like the chunky substrate look.
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Old 05-31-2010, 05:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Milad View Post
Ok WTH is going on. I flatten the sand out a bit and then it starts pilling up near the power heads. And i mean big piles, like 5-6inches high close the power heads.

And then around the rocks it goes to bare bottom. Ideas on how to keep it in one place? The power heads are towards the bottom of the tank pointed slightly up, should they be up top instead?
those powerheads have a lot of pull at the grills (as they draw in water). Personally I think they are placed too low if you plan on having a sandy bottom. I suspect the piles are due to the pull of water towards the powerheads. The only two options I can think of is to A) Raise your powerheads, or B) take out a lot of sand. Only have a dusting of sand on your bottom, like 1/2" to 1". For what it is worth, my 6105s are 5 or 6 inches from the water surface, pointed straight down the length of the tank on either side. Flow bounces off the opposite end of the tank and returns through the centre of the tank (where all the coral and rock work is), plus there is some return below the level of the powerhead. Kind-sorta like a gyre.

As for the bare spots around the rock, well, I think that's just the dynamics of the general flow. Looks like lots of flow is hitting the rocks and swirling around the rocks causing the bare spots. This is generally a good thing if you had a bare bottom as it would help kick up detritus and keep it suspended so that it is filtered out. However, not such a great thing for sandy bottom lovers. Again, moving the powerheads up should help, but then keeping in mind that you will likely have some dead spots around the base of your rock structure if there isn't sufficient open space around the rocks for flow (that is, you have lots of rocks piled and stacked on the bottom).

In the end it becomes a balancing act and a delicate one at that. What kind of flow do you want vs what kind of substrate. Powerheads and sand do not play well together unfortunately.
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Old 05-31-2010, 05:56 PM
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well i only have like 1.5in of sand in the tank
the problem with moving my powerheads up is that it will not look aesthetically pleasing as it does now. im going to let it sit for couple days and see how high the sand piles in that area, if it gets to high ill move them up.

will my wave box not get all the spots so there is no "dead spots", when the wave box is active, I can see movement almost everywhere on the rocks.
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Old 05-31-2010, 06:01 PM
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I've never run a wavebox so I can't answer that.. but I do have another suggestion. Try placing small rubble, shells or a higher grain sand just under the powerheads where the piles area. They should be heavy enough to prevent piling up, and there should be enough flow (suction) to pull detrtius out of the rubble so that it doesn't sit. Might have to play around with how large of an area of rubble/shells/high grain sand that you'll need.
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Old 05-31-2010, 06:41 PM
sitandwatch sitandwatch is offline
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I have the same sand and its very fine stuff.

I now have a tank that have some areas that are bare bottom and some with sand.

I tried placing some rubble around the areas that the sand was disappearing from but then I just had rubble and no sand.

Mind you I only have about 12inch's of water and my power heads are right in the middle level wize.
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Old 05-31-2010, 07:48 PM
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sitandwatch we must unite and find a solution to this annoying problem!!

ill try kien rubble trick when i get back from my trip to prince George.
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Old 05-31-2010, 07:50 PM
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what about glue/sand bottom. then sprinkly some loose sand on top to blow where it wants to?
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Old 05-31-2010, 09:46 PM
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Your system is still relatively new correct? If so, give it some time, after a while as more bacteria & other stuff colonize all parts of the system, including sand, it should stay in place a little better. When I first started up my tank I was a little obsessive about having the substrate 'just so'. No powerhead issues, but I soon found that various critters, Maroon clownfish for one, would rearrange it to their liking, not mine. I now live with whatever the system decides to do with the substrate, as long as there's no sandstorm, which there is not.
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