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Old 04-19-2010, 05:43 PM
kevNnic kevNnic is offline
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Default finally started my tank cycle with live rock. couple questions.

Over the past week i had my 65 gallon tank setup with just live sand and water. Just playing around with it did a few tests water all seemed great. After the first expensive hit of getting everything runnin i was able to afford some rock.

So far to date

60lbs of live sand, (been in tank for past week)
30lbs dry rock (been in tank two days now)
10lbs of live rock Cured (been in the tank since yesterday)

will be adding at least 10 more pounds of live soonish.

So it looks like im able to begin the cycle. Now a couple quick question,

How soon will i notice a change in my dry rock. couple weeks?
How often should i be checking my levels? daily? weekly?
Should i run my skimmer while i cycle the tank.
Should i run my t5 light (4bulb 165w) for a couple hours a day to stimulate growth?

I have heard a few mixed reviews in regrards to the skimmer being run during the cycle and whether or not the light is to be used.

Thanks for the help. ill post up some pics here soon!

soo much to learn!

65 gallon saltwater tank, 60lbs live sand, 85lbs live rock, 2 ocellaris clowns, spotted goby, Flame hawkfish, scopas tang, numerous corals
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Old 04-19-2010, 06:26 PM
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Originally Posted by kevNnic View Post
How soon will i notice a change in my dry rock. couple weeks?
Your dry rock will turn dark when you 1st add it to your tank, after your tank is cycled it will contain benifital bactiria and pods, some time after that depening on many paramiters of your tank it will start to grow coraline algea.

Originally Posted by kevNnic View Post
How often should i be checking my levels? daily? weekly?
You will only need to check the amonnia for the 1st week to 3 weeks, once it reaches zero your tank is cycled providing that you have zero nitrite, the nitrate should then be fairly high, do a water change and test again.

Originally Posted by kevNnic View Post
Should i run my skimmer while i cycle the tank.
No, here is where you want to increase the bioload to start the bactirea grown, using the skimmer will not be benifitial, however depending on your tank setup you must keep your water ariated and if you have no other options then your skimmer use it on the lower setting so that it does not remove any skimmate.

Originally Posted by kevNnic View Post
Should i run my t5 light (4bulb 165w) for a couple hours a day to stimulate growth?
No not at all, all you will do here is grow algea on the rocks and your glass.
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Old 04-19-2010, 07:01 PM
kevNnic kevNnic is offline
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Awesome, thank you for the quick feedback. I am not running a sump, just a canaster so the water is circulating. I also have a power head in the tank. I have been running the skimmer but not full out just enough to make some bubbles basically.

So i can discontiue the use of the skimmer and aviod using the light until i have completed my cycle,
65 gallon saltwater tank, 60lbs live sand, 85lbs live rock, 2 ocellaris clowns, spotted goby, Flame hawkfish, scopas tang, numerous corals
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Old 04-20-2010, 12:03 AM
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Yep. It the best way, with the skimmer your not helping the cycle by removing the nutrients needed to create cycle proccess. It would i suppose in the end just cause a longer cycle period.
And the lights as i said will only bring you grief with the amount of algae you will grow.
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Old 04-20-2010, 07:22 PM
kevNnic kevNnic is offline
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Well i removed my skimmer last night, so i guess its just time to play the waiting game and see what happens with the rock.
65 gallon saltwater tank, 60lbs live sand, 85lbs live rock, 2 ocellaris clowns, spotted goby, Flame hawkfish, scopas tang, numerous corals
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