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Old 12-05-2009, 05:20 AM
Daniel475 Daniel475 is offline
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Default need help asap with blood parrot

hey guys i just bought a 125g tank set it up let it run for a week with gold fish in it to set the water etc... took the water to the fish store to get tested everything seems fine.. but i moved my blood parrot and gold severums in today the serverums our fine the blood parrot just doesn't seem to be himself.. hes not eating etc.. is he just stressed from the move or what??? let me know thanks alot..
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Old 12-05-2009, 05:44 AM
dsaundry dsaundry is offline
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Give him a couple of days to settle down, he should be ok.
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Old 12-05-2009, 05:45 AM
Daniel475 Daniel475 is offline
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thanks alot .. i hope he will be ok hes my favorite fish.. what other fish could i add to this tank?? id like to find some unique ones i was thinking a arrowana but they get so big
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Old 12-05-2009, 06:35 AM
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Wait a couple of weeks to add any thing to your tank. Let the bio load even out first, you should not add more than one fish at a time maybe two if they are small. It will take a little bit for everything to adjust and the good bacteria to grow with the new load. Too many fish and you could crash the tank at the very least have a bad algae bloom. If you don't have green hair algae you don't want it. Once the system is completely established it is allot harder to crash but it still can. I've read on forums that guys tanks have taken up to almost 12 months to stabilize they think it was because they added too many fish at a time when they did add fish. Slow and easy is the best rule. I only have 5 fish a couple of starfish and some coral and my tank is about 6 months in. I have a bit of green hair algae but it does not spread at all the angles eat it. I have never had a bloom of diatoms or ciano algae or even red slim algae. I did get a bloom of green hair algae from a timer not functioning properly it would come on at the right time but it would not go off at the right time. I had programmed it in a 24hr program and it started working as if it were a 12 hr clock. The only green hair algae that the sea hare left it does not grow any where else.

go slow and you will be alright.

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Old 12-05-2009, 06:50 AM
-=James=- -=James=- is offline
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^He is talking about freshwater fish...haha

The parrot is probably stressed...nothing to worry about. You could try to add other cichlids and an arrowana of some sort. Silvers are cheaper and not as aggressive as Jardinis..I even think they look better. Your 125 should be good enough. If it grows TOO big, you can sell it for alot more than what you got it for.
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Old 12-05-2009, 06:23 PM
Daniel475 Daniel475 is offline
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well the parrot wasn't doin so good so i moved him back to my 30 gallon which i know has aged water and hes fine in.. because i dont wanna lose him is that a good idea??? i also went and bought a air pump for the tank because the lady and the fish store thinks there might not be enough air in the tank? any ideaS?
thanks alot
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Old 12-05-2009, 06:38 PM
-=James=- -=James=- is offline
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Honestly, with my experience with freshwater (mostly cichlids), they are very hardy. Right when I got my new tank, I put tap water in with prime, threw the cichids in, and they were all fine.

How do you know the parrot isnt doing good? If the other fish are doing good in the 125, leave the parrot in there and dont keep moving it; especially to a smaller tank. Air pump is a good investment!
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Old 12-05-2009, 06:42 PM
Daniel475 Daniel475 is offline
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well he was at the top of the tank for the last 2 days like we had no oxygen .. so i just moved him back to my 30 gallon and he seems alot better already... im going to leave the severums in there for now and the shark they seem to be doin fine but im going to set up my air wait a few days and put the parrot back in? since hes already in the 30 now i dont think i should move him again eh?
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Old 12-05-2009, 07:13 PM
-=James=- -=James=- is offline
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Sounds like a plan!
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Old 02-21-2010, 07:49 PM
Stephanie1974 Stephanie1974 is offline
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Hi there. I remember one of my cichlids doing this when I moved them from a 30 to a 55. All the rest did fine. I figured out that he must've felt like he was in the open and therefore added more hiding spots. I did tests to the water to rule out any major changes and the levels were good. After I added the hiding spots and taller plants he did just fine after his adjustments.
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