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Old 09-18-2009, 04:35 AM
Blowfish Blowfish is offline
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Default Bayside Corals Vendor Review

Buying Corals online is always a risky game with that being said I thought i'd give Bayside a go-see as they had posted alot of nice lps for sale. Ordering from Colby was a breeze and he was very patient with my many changes accommodating me at every turn.

Today I received my 5 pieces in the mail from purolator, all in all i'm very happy with my order as the pieces were representative to the pictures especially one of my chalices as it was above my expectations. There was a problem with one of the pieces as it arrived DOA, and here is where I think Bayside Corals really stood out from others, as the instant I told colby what happened over the phone he immediately said that he would credit back the coral, asked for my Credit card number and just asked for a few pictures of the packaging so that he could see what he had done wrong and rectify it for future shipments. No hassles, No BS, just easy. Lets be really honest here, we spend so much in this hobby that one dead coral really doesn't break the bank or affect us, heck some of us expect it, but its a nice surprise when the vendor takes care of it without you having to chase and harrass them.

I would definitely recommend ordering from bayside as they have alot of nice pieces, and most importantly colby is definitely one of the most professional owners out there, and i would have no problem dropping my hard earned cash on another big order.

Old 09-18-2009, 04:47 AM
fdiddy fdiddy is offline
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I would have to agree. I love going to Bayside. Very friendly guys that work there and I'm glad we have them around here in Saskatoon.
Old 09-18-2009, 03:14 PM
Alex350 Alex350 is offline
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Yes, I got number of fish, corals and a coltured clam from Colby. And always got great service.

Old 09-18-2009, 05:54 PM
Bayside Corals Bayside Corals is offline
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Hey Blowfish, thank you for your feedback on this order. I like to hear any and all feed back especially on the shipments that land in "not so perfect conditions" so we can take opportunities like these to learn and grow.

I am still amazed how some courier companies have very little care or regard in what they are handling. I guess using a box that say's live tropical fish, handle with care on it interprets to a giant bulls eye with a kick me sticker on it!

Any way I am glad you are happy with your order and lessons have been learned. Looking forward to hearing from you in the near future.

Old 09-19-2009, 03:14 AM
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Yeah most of us in Sask have delt with Colby and I have NEVER heard of one bad experiece. He is definetly one of the best to deal with!

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Old 09-19-2009, 04:18 AM
patpare patpare is offline
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Originally Posted by TJSlayer View Post
Yeah most of us in Sask have delt with Colby and I have NEVER heard of one bad experiece. He is definetly one of the best to deal with!

I will also say that Bayside is one of the most upstanding shop i have dealt with,And Colby yes i do have to say it again,You should open up in Regina

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