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Old 08-18-2003, 10:46 PM
dekay dekay is offline
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Default Critiqe My Setup Please

Getting ready to purchase my equipment. Just want to run it by you guys before I get them.

Equipment I already have:
46 gallon bow front tank w/ stand
Depth = 18 inch
Legth = 36 inch
Width = 12 inch

Equipment I'm getting from King Ed:
175w MH w/ 2x 65w or 55w Actinic ($650)
Prism Pro Deluxe Protein Skimmer ($280)
2x Hagen 402 Powerhead

Currently debating if I should get a 250w MH instead, so I can play with some SPS corals as well. Also, is the Prism Pro Deluxe any good? I've heard mix feelings, but some ppl seem to swear by them; said it takes time (one or two weeks) to break in. Also, what about the Hagen Powerheads, I've heard of cases where fish gets sucked in, but I think they're the only ones that come with rim clamps, which I like (suction cups loses suction in a few months). Anyhow, let me know what you guys feel about this setup. Any opinions/recommendations are highly appreciated.

BTW, how much clearance do you need between the tank/water and the MH. One of the guys I asked said you could put it on top of the tank (which should fit exactly), but I'm not sure if it's cook my fish or heat up the tank too much. There won't be splashing problems though, cuz there's a piece of acrylic at the bottom under the lights.

Using a heater that's once been in a tank with copper is ok right? Or do I need some chemicals to clean it? Or need to get a new one?
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Old 08-18-2003, 11:44 PM
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Hey Dekay,
If you can afford it I would go for as much light as you can. SPS, LPS and clams all benifit from light you could even go for 400W, but I would definatly go for the 250W. you can mount the lights directly above the water to a max hight of about 16 inches.

The skimmer I don't know much about sorry, only had a Red Sea.

Hey is Dekay your last name as I have friends in Ontario with the same last name, any relation?

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Old 08-19-2003, 12:01 AM
dekay dekay is offline
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Looking more for a minimum height I could mount them at or if I could just rest it on the top of the tank. And Prism is made my Red Sea no?

Also, I have a choice of getting 4x55w Power Compacts w/ moonlights as well. It comes with legs on the side, so clearance wont' be an issue. Are MH that much better than PC?

BTW, this is somewhat of a display tank, so apperance is a factor. It's like the first thing you see when you go in the house, so I can't really do a mickey mouse job on it. Besides that, my Dad likes looking at the tank after a hard days work (guess it sooths the mind).

Hey is Dekay your last name as I have friends in Ontario with the same last name, any relation?
Nope. My initials are DK, thus the username. And I use it for playing online games (Warcaft 3: Frozen Throne, anyone here play?) .
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Old 08-19-2003, 07:00 AM
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Just a thought on your question of powerheads.
I run a single 402 in my 27gl and it works great!
However I would go with a pair of Maxi Jet 1200's instead.
The Maxi Jets are smaller in overall size, push 25gl an hour more, and the baskets that fit to the bottom of these pumps are way way smaller than the larger 402 baskets(the baskets help prevent things from entering the intake of the pump). You get a better, smaller, easier hiding pump for $1 dollar more than the 402.

cheers, Rich
cheers, Rich

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Old 08-19-2003, 08:22 AM
dekay dekay is offline
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yep, switching to maxijet 1200s instead. found out they had that clip/screw-on thing afterall. i didn't want any powerheads relying on suction cups only.

anyone gonna answer my lighting question? the clearance is crucial in whether i should go with MH or PC. BTW, would I be able to raise LPS or SPS corals with the 4x55w PC?

Also, forgot to mention there's a 12cm or 16cm fan for cooling the lights. Not sure if it'll help much with a 175w/250w hallide though.
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Old 08-19-2003, 04:46 PM
Wilty Wilty is offline
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Personally for the size of tank it sounds like you have enough light. I like the combo of MH and PC. Some people swear one way and some swear the other. The MH emitts a lot of heat just so you are aware, venting will be important. I can't recall the mounting height of MH but something to be aware of the the acrylic can warp with heat. Is the acrylic attached to the lighting canopy? or is it on top of the tank? If its part of the canopy, I'm sure is heat resistant.

I read a home page where a fellow custom built an acrylic tank and had MHs above it. Well one of the cross braces cracked one day since the temp of the water verses the heat from the lamps cause too much stress on the plastic. The tank bowed and it just got worse from there.
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Old 08-19-2003, 05:18 PM
dekay dekay is offline
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The acrylic piece is part of the hood, under the light, not on top. It will be between the light and water to be more specific. And good point about the acrylic tanks, lucky mine's glass . But I'll definately ask if it's heat resistance just in case.

But if anyone could tell me or direct me to any place where I would know how much clearance I need between the water and MH, that would be great. I don't want to rest it on the tank's edges and find out I'm cooking everything inside. Also, need to plan the budget, cuz a rack or frame around the tank to place the MH will surely spike up my cost. Otherwise, it's the 4x55w PC.
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Old 08-19-2003, 05:28 PM
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My MH are about 7" above the water and give off a cool " shimmer " which you wont get from PC's ... I installed a 120V 6" fan to cool mine but then again I am running 4 X 400W bulbs so YMMV depending on wattage and number of bulbs used


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Old 08-19-2003, 09:21 PM
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Sounds to me like the halide would be to close to the water. I have heard of some 4in. off the water, with good air movement. Mine are over a foot, with most being around 8in. or so.

I have read some horror stories of halides warping and eventually breaking acrylic braces. The the tank bows. You would need a higher hood, IMO, but thats a guess with out seeing it.

I agree, use only powerheads with brackets.
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Old 08-19-2003, 10:25 PM
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DEkay i have a fairly new solar system metal halide pendent for sale for a third of the cost,comes with a 10000 bulb.IT automatically simulates dawn to dusk
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