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Old 07-04-2009, 05:52 PM
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Default Happy Stampede Calgarians!

Watching the parade on TV with the kids. looks like fun! Maybe one day we'll go out and visit!
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Old 07-04-2009, 11:42 PM
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wouldn't mind seeing everyones stampede pics posted here!! I can't make it this year!!
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Old 07-05-2009, 02:33 AM
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Somewhere there, in the Vendors area, is a booth,Greywolf metal Art with Plasma cut metal silloettes. Cowboys, pictures, etc. I coated ALL them all LOL
Dan Pesonen

Umm, a tank or 5
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Old 07-06-2009, 01:03 AM
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I was born in Calgary and my birthday is on Stampede week. What this means is my parents took me every year for my party... it is fun for the first 15 years. Now I notice it is the same thing every year, just more expensive. Last time we were there it was $5 for a water, but I thought I could refill it at a water fountain, could not find one for the life of me. A sandwich was $10!

Anybody that does not live here, should really come for it though, like I said it was fun for my first 15 years of life. We might go next year or the one afterwards. Every 5-6 years seems to be a good balance.
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Old 07-06-2009, 03:52 AM
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Fiance is born n raised calgarian (one of those few) I've been here since I was 5...


Is how we spend stampede these days

Just returned from that trip (waiparous right on the border with don getty - if your thinking about it - transalta road SUCKS barely got out!) - next weekend is the wedding - we'll be down in the bush west of chain lakes. Anywhere but the city is our usual preference at this time of year...
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Old 07-06-2009, 04:49 AM
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I was born here in Calgary also and take my kids to the stampede every year. Kind of expensive, but they love it.


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Old 07-06-2009, 05:04 AM
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I dig the Stampede and go every just about every year. Although I probably haven't done midway in about 20 years or so. But that's OK, I love the exhibition, the demonstrations and looking at animals like miniature donkeys or whatever. My mom usually has a couple entries in the knitting competition () and she's damn good at knitting so usually wins something so I go look for her entry so I can say "yep I saw the thingamajig, nice job Mom!!".

I also get a kick out of people watching too on the grounds.

I miss the photo competition though. They pulled it a couple years ago, I don't know why ... it was one of my favourite things to see inside.

I go on Family Day, if you get into the grounds before 9 then admission is free. Kind of painful to get up that early maybe but it's a way to get in and keep the costs down. We just go for a couple of hours and get our fill.

Yeah, people get a little dumb about things so I can sort of understand wanting to flee the city.. but .. on the other hand, if it wasn't over this it'd be over something else. People gotta get the party out of their systems somehow..
-- Tony
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Last edited by Delphinus; 07-06-2009 at 05:06 AM.
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Old 07-06-2009, 05:09 AM
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Oh ... yeah, the kids love it too. My oldest kid is 4 and he's been looking forward to going for months. "When is Stampede again?" "Uh .. in about .. 60 sleeps or so."

Today as we got off the Ctrain (park at 39th Av station and ride in from there) he's all "STAMPEDE ... HERE WE COME!!!!" .. So yeah, I guess nowadays it's for the kids.

Let him go on the kid bungee jump thing. Looks like fun, kinda wish I could do it but I think I'll break it. Anyhow, he's all loose and just dangling there like a doofus while the other kids are all jumping and doing backflips or whatever ... but the grin on his face was worth the $10. Of course, part of it is the 13 year old GIRL who's helping him on the trampoline. The kid is FOUR and is a menace around "older women."

It starts early apparently. I swear he didn't get it from me!
-- Tony
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Old 07-06-2009, 07:11 PM
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I went to the Kid Rock concert last year and admission was included so we went early. I could not believe how expensive everything was! Not going this year. Decorations downtown are really lame this year, too, probably due to the economic conditions. Pretty sad what I have seen so far this year.
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