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Old 01-23-2009, 04:38 AM
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Default Credit Union recommendations?

I need a new bank, and I would like to stay with a credit union if I can.

I'm currently with First Calgary and have had 3 horrible experiences in the past 5 months that were not resolved properly, or in a timely manner. After today they got their third strike, so its time to move on.

Recommendations? Customer service is a big thing on my list.
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Old 01-23-2009, 04:41 AM
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Originally Posted by michika View Post
I need a new bank, and I would like to stay with a credit union if I can.

I'm currently with First Calgary and have had 3 horrible experiences in the past 5 months that were not resolved properly, or in a timely manner. After today they got their third strike, so its time to move on.

Recommendations? Customer service is a big thing on my list.

My vote is for the Ukrainian Credit Union....has small talk appeal for a dinner party...i know thats why I pick my banks...dinner party conversation )
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Old 01-23-2009, 05:09 AM
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I've never had a good experience with a credit union, some of my clients use them. I only did once. So I am curious as to why you want to stay with that venue?
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Old 01-23-2009, 01:40 PM
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Because I have been royally burned by TD and CIBC. TD got me and another client with the same name and birthdate confused, took me over a year to sort out my credit history and make everything right.

CIBC told me that they don't want "my kind of people" as clients. My kind being working students, and people with piercings. When I approached them about a mortgage for my house in Edmonton the woman told me to my face that she didn't think I could "afford something so extravagant". My letters of complaint and attempts to speak with a branch manager over the incident were all ignored.

So yeah...I'm done with the big banks....maybe I should just be done with the whole banking system all together. The only bank I've never been burned by, and always treated properly has been ING.
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Old 01-23-2009, 01:50 PM
hillbillyreefer hillbillyreefer is offline
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Stay away from the CIBC. They'll do everything in their power to make your life miserable. UNREAL what they will try and get away with, even if you are priviledged enough to be one of their customers.

I've been with the Cervus CU for about 1.5 years. They have been good to me so far. They were recommended by neighbours and friends so I gave them a try.
In my area we are very limited in choices. The few big banks around are so arrogant that customers are leaving in droves, and moving to the CU. It's pretty funny to see them losing customers that have been there for 60 years moving their accounts.

Another thing I've found with banks is that you should switch to another one after about 5 years. Seems their customer service starts going down hill after about 4 years and by the fifth you need to move.

I just ran out and took a picture of the side of my truck, pretty much sums up my feelings

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Mods if I've gone too far please delete this post and accept my apologies in advance.
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Last edited by hillbillyreefer; 01-23-2009 at 02:19 PM. Reason: Added
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Old 01-23-2009, 04:31 PM
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I think customer service in many cases is largely dependent on where you are. Sure each large organization has it's 'mission statement', overall policies and management style, but it still boils down to who you're dealing with in the actual branch as to the type of service you get. I'm sure everyone has had good/bad experiences with every major banking organization. What I get a kick out of these days, not so much in our country, is the global meltdown of the whole system, which is essentially run by the banks. Now they're all looking for bailout money! What were they up to when times were booming? Giving the average schmo a break? Not likely. What about me? Who's going to bail out my mutual fund RRSP account that's tanking big time? I know, I was well aware of the risks when I started investing..... All I can do now is sit on it, wait and hope the portfolio recovers in a few years. I certainly don't want to start yanking cash out of there now and take the losses, so I won't be contributing much to any economic recovery!

I deal with BMO and generally this organization has been pretty good over the years. I've moved my savings to ING Direct and can move my money back & forth online easily. Also opened a tax free account with ING. ING has consistently offered better interest rates and service than the 'brick and mortar' organizations. Not sure why ING is strictly an online bank here in Canada, since they are huge in Europe with many large branches.

My career in the Air Force had me moving a lot and BMO were the only ones that provided actual branches in Germany when I was stationed there. That's largely why I've remained with them. Starting to wonder about them now though, since I just received a letter in the mail the other day that the BMO here in Vernon is building a brand new branch with a "Drive Thru" banking machine. Great! Talk about being on the wrong end of the pendulum swing. Geez, with online banking I hardly ever visit the branch any longer (I don't own a business). The only time I need to visit the branch is to get a money order or bank draft and again, the way the electronic payment options are going, I can see these kind of instruments being history in the not too distant future. Many towns & cities are considering banning any new drive thru type things due to the traffic jams they can create not to mention the carbon footprint of all those cars sitting in a lineup idling away.... and my good 'ol BMO here in Vernon is real proud of this great new 'service' they're going to provide me.

Whew, I guess I needed to get that out of my system... Sorry if I've gone a little overboard here and maybe ruffled some feathers. Anyhow this is a fish forum and scales are harder to ruffle, he he.
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Last edited by mike31154; 01-23-2009 at 04:33 PM.
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Old 01-23-2009, 06:42 PM
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That is a hilarious image! I would so put that on my car...

ING has been fantastic to me, and if they were a full service bank I would be with them in a second. Never once have I had a problem that wasn't solved quickly and efficiently with clear and honest answers. I've banked with them for almost 10 years.

I'll look into both BMO and Servus Credit Union for my next banking provider.

I definitely do agree though, customer service on the whole is sliding and starting to spiral downwards. I'm just sad that everything feels like an uphill battle when it comes to banking in particular. Obviously the system as a whole has developed some serious flaws and I hope sooner rather then later that they are corrected.

Apparently on Monday my debit card was copied at a downtown ATM and it was only yesterday that First Calgary contacted me to make me aware of the issue. Its now Friday and I've been told sorry, we can't help you at all, instead we've frozen ALL of your accounts and can't even let you withdraw funds in person at the downtown branch until everything has been sorted out, in 7-10 business days. Its this kind of stupidity that annoys me. All they can tell me is sorry, and frankly, sorry just doesn't cut it.
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Old 01-23-2009, 10:45 PM
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7-10 days! Egad! What a way to run an institution.
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Old 01-23-2009, 11:17 PM
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I called them back and advised them to have my money ready by the end of the day, all of it, because I was closing out my accounts at 3pm in person at the downtown branch. They tried to tell me I needed an appointment, and I responded by saying that I would stand in the middle of TD Square and yell out about how badly they treated me starting at 3:05pm if my money was not ready and waiting for me.

Guess who got all her money at 3pm and a verbal apology? Yup that is right ME! New bank for me on Monday! Yay!
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Old 01-24-2009, 03:05 AM
hillbillyreefer hillbillyreefer is offline
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Good for you!!! How unCanadian!!!

More of our crappy businesses need to be treated like that and then maybe they'd get the hint and smarten up.
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