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Old 11-25-2008, 11:45 AM
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Default Dwarf Golden Moray thread

Anyone read the thread on that "other" canadian board regarding dwarf golden morays? What a joke.

I know a person who keeps one in a 14G nano and it is the coolest thing in the world (someone very experienced and very educated, with 2 other systems each 200G+). I almost considered getting a third DGM just to put in a nano.
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Old 11-25-2008, 02:34 PM
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By "other" canadian board do you mean the one that assaults your eyes with rainbow flashing text and searching for the actual thread amid the myriad of users tank info is next to impossible? If so I got banned for not filling in my tank info properly. I have never thought of going back since.
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Old 11-25-2008, 03:47 PM
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shrug, canreef is the only canadian salty site I go to. For the record though, i say minimum of a 30g for a DGM. maybe that's just me.

muck, that sounds... ridiculous. lol what a way to get banned; i can see why you wouldn't want to go back for fear of a seizure.
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Old 11-25-2008, 04:13 PM
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Originally Posted by muck View Post
By "other" canadian board do you mean the one that assaults your eyes with rainbow flashing text and searching for the actual thread amid the myriad of users tank info is next to impossible? If so I got banned for not filling in my tank info properly. I have never thought of going back since.
+1 ... same here. Although I pleaded for clemency and was reinstated, nevertheless I have not returned. I didn't like being banned for such an arbitrary reason and if I'm not wanted on a site then fine, I won't come.


If you think of it Dave, post the URL. Or if you really feel generous, can you give a synopsis?

When I saw the title I thought, uhoh, did I offend someone by doing my own thread here? (Mine is in a 20g.) And considering that his "territory" is literally only about 1/4 of the tank, I consider this an acceptable setup for him. I think it was on wetwebmedia that I read, many years ago, the suggestion that they do OK in smaller tanks and possibly better off because you have a hope of seeing them from time to time whereas they are "lost" in bigger tanks. So far my experience does not provide anything to suggest to the contrary.

Only thing is the poop does drive up the nitrates. But so far it's manageable, if it becomes unmanageable then so be it, we move onto the next step.

And one other thing .. man alive 2-3 years ago this eel was totally unheard of in Canada, now it seems 1 in 5 reefers have one, or even several. I was at a LFS recently as they were unpacking an order and lo and behold there was a mated pair. WOW. If I had had $400 to spare at that moment they would have just come home with me. Alas!
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Old 11-25-2008, 04:27 PM
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Originally Posted by muck View Post
By "other" canadian board do you mean the one that assaults your eyes with rainbow flashing text and searching for the actual thread amid the myriad of users tank info is next to impossible? If so I got banned for not filling in my tank info properly. I have never thought of going back since.

LOL I got in trouble for not filling out my tank info too! I have never tried to post there since. I do go now and then and take a peek when Im bored, but OMG it takes soo long for a post to load.
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Old 11-25-2008, 04:29 PM
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Originally Posted by View Post
Anyone read the thread on that "other" canadian board regarding dwarf golden morays? What a joke.
I guess I'm lost on the "joke" part. I happen to be one of the people that responded to his question. I keep mine in a 120g tank and see it DAILY. It comes out, feeds very well and uses a good part of the it has several different dens. He eats ALOT and of course what goes in must come out, so the tank has a big skimmer and lots of water changes. The guy on the other board offended people by his attitude...asked for input and then says "well thanks for that...but I'll just do this anyway as you guys don't agree with what my LFS says" and then goes to say he's going to put live sand and some water in then the fish after a week? Sure the "owner" of the other board is extreme (to put it mildly)...but that's the way that board is.

Tony has done well with his in the 20g tank. And he will be on top of all his maintenance etc...for the average "joe" it's not always the best idea. Just IMO
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Old 11-25-2008, 04:38 PM
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Ah... I should recapitulate a little. I like the idea of easily accessible info about tanks for each poster for the idea that we can reference what's in it and what's it all about when trying to post an opinion or advice in response to a question. It's just that .. I think a link to a post in a forum setup for this info (such as "See my tank info 'here'") would suffice. The idea has merit it's just the implementation of it was rather draconian. Plus, I'm biased. I think we're a way more friendly board, but.. well, I'm biased.. I guess I'll shut up about that part now.

If I was to base an opinion on my experiences and Chaloupa's.. I'd have to go with Chaloupa as the better shining example. Hers is more comfortable, mine was definitely a stressful period of time. It seems to be OK *now* but I have to wonder if I did things more like Chaloupa's had it maybe be less stressful. I also have to wonder if the dither effect of other fish is beneficial as my 20g was otherwise sitting empty of fish when the opportunity of the eel presented itself. I am hoping to move this eel into my 280g down the road when that tank is ready but .. it will be an inwall but otherwise uncovered tank so I'm not sure how that will go. But I hope that between the height of the tank and the eventual aquascaping that I could maybe keep it happy without covering the top.
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Old 11-25-2008, 04:41 PM
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Tony our board is 1000 times more friendly!!!
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Old 11-25-2008, 04:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Chaloupa View Post
Tony our board is 1000 times more friendly!!!
Can't agree more. I have yet to be banned from here for using the U in Colour. Yes, I was banned for using "bad spelling" because apparently color isn't the same thing as colour!
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Old 11-25-2008, 05:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Chaloupa View Post
Tony our board is 1000 times more friendly!!!
are you kidding? this place is worse than posting about a tang in a 20g on RC!

... i kid obviously.
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