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Old 05-27-2008, 05:05 AM
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Default Cracked tank?

I took a look at my 120g today that I have been working on cleaning up and it looks like it may have a long crack in the bottom on about a 45 degree angle. I am really hoping it is the wood under the tank and not the glass...however if it IS the glass what do I do??
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Old 05-27-2008, 05:15 AM
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Is the tank full? If it isn't setup yet you can drain it and inspect it. It could be a crack, a scratch, or in the wood. One thing you could do is reach in and see if you can feel it. If you can't feel a ridge it is most likely a scratch or in the wood.

If it is a crack it will fail under pressure. If the botton glass is cracked the only option is to replace the bottom glass or the whole tank.
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Old 05-27-2008, 05:30 AM
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^^ what he said. Don't despair though, it might be a scratch. I have a nasty scratch on the back of one of my tanks and the way the light catches it I thought it was a crack at first. Can you post a picture of it?

If it is a crack, then the panel needs to come out and be replaced. A tank builder worth his salt should be able to do this for you (Bow Valley used to do this, don't know if they still do), or if you're energetic enough you could do it yourself...
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Old 05-27-2008, 05:32 AM
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The tank is full of water and vinegar (was getting all the Ca to precipitate on the off chance there is any Cu bound up in it.) I really can't see the bottom at the moment due to the precipitate. However, water is in the tank and not the floor. It could be that the pressure from the water itself could be what is holding it together though?

Anyone know how or where I could get this fixed if it is a crack? oh please oh please don't be a crack...
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Old 05-27-2008, 03:17 PM
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Originally Posted by sharuq1 View Post
was getting all the Ca to precipitate on the off chance there is any Cu bound up in it
I agree, if it's a crack you need to replace the pane of glass or replace the tank. Often it's cheaper and easier to just replace the tank.

If the tank was treated with copper, then your biggest worry would be the silicone. The silicone will absorb copper, and there is nothing you can do to get it out. If the silicone has a slight green/teal tinge to it, then it most definately has had copper in it. If the silicone is still clear, that is still not a sure way to say it wasn't treated.
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