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Old 05-01-2008, 03:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Chin_Lee View Post
3 recommendations I would do if it were my tank:
1) in your fuge put in a backup bulkhead 1" higher that the primary in case the primary gets clogged.
2) put in gate valve (not ball valve) onto C or E to achieve herbie method for complete silent flow and pipes
3) put E straight down, then put in a union on E and C just below tank. Then put in 90" elbow fittings and pipes for the rest of the drain pipes. The unions will give you flexibility in terms of where you want the exit drain pipe to be by allowing you to "swivel".
Thanks Chin.

Check out version 4. It has incorporated all three of your recommendations.

I'm not sure if I'm going to stick with #3 though. I may go back to having the second drain go directly into the refuge.
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Old 05-01-2008, 03:55 AM
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ok to be honest you are wasting space, if you are trying to save space, have a sump and refugium in one, the fuge on the right and the sump on the left with the pump in the middle, have a t joint on your return and have a ball valve after that going into the fuge to control slow flow. much better space and simply design. to much plumbing means to many things go wrong.
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Old 05-01-2008, 06:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Boomboy View Post
ok to be honest you are wasting space, if you are trying to save space, have a sump and refugium in one, the fuge on the right and the sump on the left with the pump in the middle, have a t joint on your return and have a ball valve after that going into the fuge to control slow flow. much better space and simply design. to much plumbing means to many things go wrong.
I cannot fit an all-in-one sump/refuge under there without removing one of the centre supports of the stand. I don't want to mess with that. Also, a lot of people seem to be going with seperate sump/refuges lately and I don't know of any complaints.
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Old 05-01-2008, 09:31 PM
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Your design is somewhat similiar what I've done.

I have a 20g refugium sitting to the side and slightly above my 75g sump. I run two drains (Dursos) with one split between the sump and the ref, with the flow directed to the ref via a valve. The ref flows to the sump from a 1" horizontal bulkhead to the sump on the skimmer side of the baffles.

Comments from mine
-I'm flowing ~1000gph split between between 2-2" drains. They're quiet but nothing like a system I heard (Skimmin's) where he had ~2000gph with 2 Herbies (1.5" mains, 1" buckups) Silent, plus there was no gurgling in the sump. I would suggest plan your display for a Herbie and the loudest thing in your system will be the pumps.
-refugium feed, I'm splitting a drain, doesn't take flow away from going back to the tank and what a lot of this is about is maxing flow in the display. A negative is you'll collect a bit a detritus but at least for me it's really not a problem.
-refugium drain, I was surprised how little mine flows. Always see 600 gph for a 1" but turned sideways and without any head I'm safe at ~300gph. The backup is a good idea. Do see a little scum on the ref surface so glad I've got a overflow for surface skimming.
-refugium isolation, with a second valve then just throwing in a heater and a HOB filter (and maybe moving LR to sump) it's a QT tank. Figure if something like ick could treat with hypo, then before putting it back on-line would just run fallow.

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Old 05-02-2008, 03:26 AM
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Version 5...

A - 3/4" PVC over-top return manifold
B - Strainer overflow w/ 1" drilled bulkhead
C - 1" Spaflex drain (left-side)
D - 3/4" Spaflex return
G - 10-gallon refuge
H - DIY stand (to hold refuge above sump)
I - Refuge overflow w/ 1" drilled bulkhead
J - Refuge main overflow drain tube
K - Drain output with filter bag
L - 20-gallon Sump
M - Baffles, first at 1.3" and the next at 1.5"
N - Eheim 1262 return pump
O - Refuge Light
Q - ½"Spaflex refuge feed
V - ½" Gate valve (teed off return)
W - Back-up refuge drain
X - AquaC EV-180 protein skimmer
Y - 1" Gate valve
Z- 1" Spaflex backup drain
1- Backup overflow w/ 1" drilled bulkhead


- Most everything is Spaflex now.

- Y is now controlling both return flows.

- X, the protein skimmer, has been moved to the left.

- M, the baffles, have been moved over, and the wider baffle is one the other side now.

- There’s a backup overflow (Z and 1) now.

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Old 05-02-2008, 02:19 PM
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Did you check out the Herbie silent overflows? Your overflows are going to be VERY noisy.
~ Mindy

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Old 05-02-2008, 05:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
Did you check out the Herbie silent overflows? Your overflows are going to be VERY noisy.
I thought I was doing it Herbie-style.

Maybe I have a misconception of what that actually is.
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Old 05-03-2008, 07:29 PM
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OK, I just did more reading on Herbie. He calls for the drain bulkheads to be further down with the standpipe going up close to the surface. But again, he has an overflow box around that. What should I do any different here?
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Old 05-03-2008, 08:41 PM
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The Herbies have an overflow box with TWO drainlines on each overflow. Once drain line is just a bulkhead out the bottom of the box, call it drain A. Drain B is in the same box next to Drain A, and is also a bulkhead on the bottom of the box, but Drain B has a pipe on it so that it is several inches taller than Drain A. Drain A has a gate valve on it to constrict the flow so that the water in the box remains a couple inches above drain A's bulkhead, so there is NO air in Drain A drain line. Drain B doesn't have any valves on it. Now, eventually Drain A will clog or partially clog which will back the water up so it raises in the box. When it gets high enough the water will start going down Drain B along with a bunch of air as it "sucks". It will happily run this way until there is a point in which Drain B also gets clogged, but this won't happen because Drain B will be really noisy. This is your alert that Drain A has clogged, and needs maintenance.

Now, how's that for confusing?

Here's a pic of my tentative plumbing including the Herbie overflow. Drain A would be the green line on the right, and Drain B would be the green line on the left. On my line A there is a gate valve (the higher black thingy), and a union (the lower black thingy).

Here's a link to the original Herbie thread on Reef Central:
~ Mindy

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Old 05-03-2008, 08:57 PM
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So does this mean I have to silicone a glass overflow box in my tank?
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