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Old 12-14-2007, 04:56 PM
bassman bassman is offline
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Default Benefits of fast growing cheato?

I have recently setup a fuge and have acquired some chaeto. However I am having a bugger of a time, yes a bugger of a time, trying to find a 5100K CFL to light my fuge.

I can find them on-line from the states but only if I want to end up paying $20-$30 for a single bulb after shipping etc. I have looked high and low at all the stores in my area and I can't find anything. First off none of the manufacturers seem to list the Kelvin rating on the package, which is very frustrating.

Anyways back the title of the thread.

What is the major benefit of having my cheato grow as fast as possible?

Of course I realize that a fast growing plant could indicate a healthy plant. But is it enough of a difference to really matter in a fuge setting?

If my chaeto grows but not at a super fast rate is it still doing it's job?

Are my PODs eating? Yup.
Is the chaeto absorbing nutrients? Yup.
Do I have to cut it back every week and sometimes have to throw it away because it's growing so fast? Nope.



230 mixed reef / 230 gal sump/fuge
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Old 12-14-2007, 05:02 PM
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The only thing I can think of is that it's drawing nutrients up slower than it would be if it was growing faster. In the end it's all about import and export rates. If you're not seeing a buildup then it's probably OK. If you are seeing a buildup then there's a case to be made for wanting it faster.

Why that one particular bulb?
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Old 12-14-2007, 05:25 PM
bassman bassman is offline
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Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
The only thing I can think of is that it's drawing nutrients up slower than it would be if it was growing faster. In the end it's all about import and export rates. If you're not seeing a buildup then it's probably OK. If you are seeing a buildup then there's a case to be made for wanting it faster.

Why that one particular bulb?
Yah I thought about that too. I would always have my fuge full either way, I just wouldn't have to trim it as much. The actual amount retained in the fuge would remain the same, that is once I have filled the compartment to begin with.

Why that particulart bulb? I found this....
and it would appear to be the best choice.

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Old 12-14-2007, 05:28 PM
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Look for the Philips marathon "Daylight". The K rating is really small on the back of the package. It's either 5600K or 6500K. I forget right now, but "Daylight" is what you want for cheato. Fast growing cheato means it's pulling more nutrients out of your water. But it is also an inticator of nutrient load in your system. If you have a small bioload, Skim heavy & don't feed much, you won't likely grow cheato overly fast. Use your test results not the growth rate of cheato to detrmine if it's working. If you test low or better yet, undetectable levels of nitrate & phosphate, your cheato is doing it's job. Also, try lighting it 24/7. Then it's working all the time and will help stablize you ph at night.
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Old 12-14-2007, 05:44 PM
bassman bassman is offline
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Originally Posted by fishmaster View Post
Look for the Philips marathon "Daylight". The K rating is really small on the back of the package. It's either 5600K or 6500K. I forget right now, but "Daylight" is what you want for cheato. Fast growing cheato means it's pulling more nutrients out of your water. But it is also an inticator of nutrient load in your system. If you have a small bioload, Skim heavy & don't feed much, you won't likely grow cheato overly fast. Use your test results not the growth rate of cheato to detrmine if it's working. If you test low or better yet, undetectable levels of nitrate & phosphate, your cheato is doing it's job. Also, try lighting it 24/7. Then it's working all the time and will help stablize you ph at night.
Funny, the Philips was the first light I started looking for and still can't find locally. LOL

I do have a large skimmer, small bio-load and do not feed much. So I don't expect it to grow fast. I don't really have the chaeto for water stability. It's mostly for my PODs. So as long as they have food and my parameters are in check then is there any need to have it growing faster?

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Old 12-14-2007, 05:55 PM
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Originally Posted by bassman View Post
Funny, the Philips was the first light I started looking for and still can't find locally. LOL

I do have a large skimmer, small bio-load and do not feed much. So I don't expect it to grow fast. I don't really have the chaeto for water stability. It's mostly for my PODs. So as long as they have food and my parameters are in check then is there any need to have it growing faster?
I bought mine at home depot. Next time your in P.G. maybe?

I don't think so.
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Old 12-14-2007, 06:02 PM
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Originally Posted by fishmaster View Post
I bought mine at home depot. Next time your in P.G. maybe?

I don't think so.
Home Depot is next on the list actually, good call. LOL

Now I am wondering if I really do need the bulb at all. LOL Why bother making it grow faster? I am just wasting it because there is nobody around here that would want it.

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Old 12-14-2007, 06:19 PM
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I've found the daylight phillips @ london drugs and at HD recently.

They are 6700K
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