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Old 09-19-2007, 11:55 PM
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Default New clam!! But is this pinched mantle???

Hi there.

We got this clam yesterday and all looked good but today if you look on the right side towards the back the mantle is curled up abit. I did not notice this yesterday although he moved on abit today so maybe it was there and we just didn't notice it.
Anything i need to be concerned about?

Also i am thinking it is a squamosa but clams are pretty new to us so we are not sure. He has about 5 large shutes on the side of him.


Oh and no the mushroom is actually farther away then it looks. No where near it. BUT i did find what looks like a little carpet anemone on the shute directly under where it is looking all crinkled up. I am thinking if it is not anything like pinched mantle then it may be this little multicoloured nem. Very cool looking it is all different colour and has a base like a nem. And nope it isn't a aptasia or


Last edited by findingnemo1; 09-20-2007 at 12:47 AM.
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Old 09-20-2007, 12:48 AM
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Looks like it.

Try's forums for more info on it.
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Old 09-20-2007, 12:51 AM
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I'd actually vote on "wait a few days and see." It's not uncommon for clams to not fully expand the first few days. It's only fair, they're adjusting to new water

I don't have any good pictures of pinched mantle, but generally speaking the mantle is pinched all the way into the shell and it stays like this - ie. if it expands out the next day then it's not pinched mantle.

Or so I think anyhow. I'm not too "up" on pinched mantle so I could be off on this. But regardless, on the first or second day in the tank, I'd say it's too early to call at the moment.
-- Tony
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Old 09-20-2007, 01:00 AM
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I agree with Tony about the wait a few days part. I jumped the gun a bit!

I have however seen clams with partially pinched mantles, so it can happen, but I believe it is pretty rare. Do as Tony says, give it a few days, then see what happens.
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Old 09-20-2007, 01:05 AM
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Agree, wait first. Once you detemine it's pinched, what I've done is prepare some RO water at the same temp as the tank and soak the clam for 15 minutes in it. This kills the parasites causing the irritation while not bothering the clam.
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Old 09-20-2007, 01:23 AM
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Nice looking clam, I hope everything turns out to be fine. Where did you get it?

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Old 09-20-2007, 01:50 AM
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We'll it was fully out about an hour ago but now it is doing it again. I actually think it is the little anemone thing under that spot that is ticking it off. I am going to try and pull the nem off and see if that helps.

What species is it does anyone know?

MikeP: Sent you a pm in regards to where i got it. Wasn't sure if we were allowed to post that info here

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Old 09-20-2007, 04:13 AM
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Ar, 'tis be a squamosa.

It could be very well be that the aiptasia is irritating the mantle somewhat.

PS. You're allowed to post where you got it
-- Tony
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Old 09-20-2007, 04:57 AM
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We'll i pulled the little nem off we will see if that makes a difference. I hope so after what i payed for it( By the way thanks Tony after the wife say the ones we brought back for you she HAD to have oneIt would really suck for it to die.

So when should i be concerned?
P.S. i got it at Wai's


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Old 09-20-2007, 05:04 AM
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If it were me, I'd give it until the weekend before getting concerned. But if there was an aiptasia anemone underneath that spot, that's more or less a slam dunk diagnosis IMHO.

The squamy you picked up for me, looked "disgruntled" for several days after introduction to the tank. Well, actually, come to think of it, he looked terrible! I forgot, he spawned all day the next day. He was definitely spent after that effort. The mantle was shriveled looking for several days thereafter. But he looks terrific now!

As Brad mentioned, if it *is* PM, do the fresh water dip. It works like a charm! Just make sure the temperature is matched. Don't worry about the clam, they can handle the fresh water so long as there isn't temperature shock. There's a story from a few years ago about a guy who did a FW dip on a clam for PM, but forgot about the clam so it was in FW all night - he put it in the tank the next morning and it was fine. I guess they just clamp up tight and ride it out.

But I think the culprit here is the aiptasia.
-- Tony
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