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Old 05-14-2007, 01:18 AM
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Unhappy Frogspawn dying?

My frogspawn is starting to look bad. A lot of the tentacles have gone brown, skinny and less flexible and are no longer fat and healthy looking. (not showing good color)

I don't know why. Everything else in the tank seems fine and the tests don't show any spiking happening. What do I do? What could be wrong? Should I change where he is located? Have not had him very long. (Just jammed in a hole in the rock at the moment because I have not bought reef cement yet) I feed the coralife gumbo to the corals weekly so I don't think it is starving or anything.

Please help
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Old 05-14-2007, 02:48 AM
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Size of tank?---14g biocube, been running one month and almost 2 weeks with LR and 2 hermits, tank was bought then also (so bulbs are new), runs about 84F, no bioballs or other filter media (only run a sponge on water change day/s for detritus, rinse it and take it out after tank has cleared), running small bag of high density carbon changed weekly, seio pump for flow directed to the top of the tank, not at the coral
Wattage of light?---Whatever came with it (10k and an actinic)
Water parameters?----Sg 1.022, pH looks to be 8.3 or 8.4, nitrite shows lowest color on the chart-slightly lighter than the lightest color on the chart (test colors only show 5 lightest color-110 darkest color, whatever that means), nitrate looks to be 0, so light there is no corresponding color, ammonia appears to be 0
----I do not own any other tests besides these.
**I am new to reading these tests and to me colors seem innacurate say in comparison to the nice exactness of a refractometer, so I could be wrong (wishing there was a digital version instead of all this color matching nonsense)
How long have you had it? Had the frogspawn only about a week
What ALL do you have for livestock and coral in this tank? *Especially with in close proximity* ---nothing is less than two inches away, 2" away 1 zoo and 1 xenia. I have 2 oscellaris, 4 zoo frags, 1 xenia frag, 1 frogspawn, 3 astrea, 3 blue-leg hermit crabs, 1 red leg hermit crab, nothing at all is touching the head of the frogspawn (no rock, corals, anything)--tank was started with only the LR and 2 hermit crabs initially, everything else added last weekend

**ps I realise that the tank does run warm, it is due to the lights/pump, not really something I can help

Last edited by sharuq1; 05-14-2007 at 03:04 AM.
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Old 05-14-2007, 04:55 AM
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HI! I don't have a whole lot of advice on the frogspawn as I have found them very very tolerant of "less that ideal" tank conditions (TRUST me, mine survived "complete Newbie me" a few years ago and has flourished).....BUT...I have 3 of the 14g biocubes...all run with heaters and all stay around 79. Our house is brutally warm right now and the tanks are still around 79-80 max with very little flux. That is something I would look into as that seems odd..... I also don't run the bioballs but use LR rubble, and a piece of floss ( the kind you get in a sheet and just cut to size ) over the drip tray in the second chamber. I have carbon in one tank but none of the others.... Good luck with your frog!
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Old 05-14-2007, 05:10 AM
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How long has the frogspawn looked like this? Do you have a picture?

The tank is running a bit warm and if the thermometer is inaccurate could be real warm.
S.G. is a bit low but not low enough to bother a frogspawn.
A test kit for calcium and alkalinity should be your next purchase if you are planning on keeping corals. it would be nice to know those levels too
what pumps do you have to supply water flow. frogspawn do like enough flow to wave there tentacles around some.

It could be that it is just acclimating to your tank and with time could come around

Frogspawn will deflate occasionally to get rid of waste (poop) but only for a few hours at most.
Are the clown fish hovering around it? sometimes when clowns are looking for a host they can get a bit rough

300g tank
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Old 05-14-2007, 04:25 PM
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Running a M620 seio on one side of the tank directed to the top (as per what lfs told me to do) and the stock pump is on the other side. The lfs store's got a cube running the exact same way, and when it was running looked it ran great, apparently. (They took out the live things recently do to accidentally cutting a cuke, woops)

The tentacles do wave around as well. I can't get a picture as I only have a cam phone and web cam and it looks like an indeterminate blob on those (not enough megapixels). The clowns do not bother the frogspawn at all. I don't think they recognize it as something to sit in. (They bug the one zoo alot ) Will recheck the temp with a different thermometer but I think the one in there is accurate. Temp drops a bit at night due to the fact the lights are what makes the tank's temp raise.

edit: Checked temperature with another thermometer and both thermometers are reading 80 right at this particular moment. Going to do a water change today of maybe 2 or 2.5 g to err on the side of caution.

Silly noob story of the day:
Gah I thought my 2nd clown was dead today as I could not see it anywhere. I glanced at the back chambers, then I moved EVERYTHING looking for them, probably upsetting it all and gees wouldn't you know it he was in the 2nd chamber of the back in like 1 cm of water and I just did not see him the first time! *bangshead* doh, lol
~~Looked in today and saw my first tiny bit of coralline algae growing on the outflow of the stock pump head today. (Only saying that because I think that is great)

Last edited by sharuq1; 05-14-2007 at 06:04 PM.
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