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Old 03-13-2007, 04:01 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Selling salt FS (40 gal), LR, livestock - Calgary

SOLD*** If you are new to salt water tanks or you're looking to change your fresh tank to salt, this is everything you need to get started and it's already cycled.

Alternatively, for those of you with large aquariums, this would make a great a quarantine tank or a second reef system.

I want to sell this as a full system. I've had it for approximately 2 years.

- 40-50 lbs of live rock. I'm not positive on the names, but I think two pieces have some Anthellia Polyp and two pieces have mushrooms.
- 3-5 snails. Mostly zebra and 1 big snail that is supposed to sift through the sand (I don't remember the name)
- 3 percula clowns
- 1 orange diamond goby
- 1 sand sifting sea star
- 1 banded sea star

- 75% full bucket of Instant Ocean 48 lbs pail
- miscellaneous water tests
- 7 partially full bottles of chemicals
- emperor filter
- remora protein skimmer
- 40 gallon tank. 36" x 12"
- coralife lunar aqualight for 40 gal
- tank stand for 40 gal
- tank header for 40 gal w/ 2 built-in cooling fans
- 10 gallon quarantine tank with stand
- 2 powerheads
- heater
- 2 hydrometers
- digital thermometer
- 2 power cord strips and 3 timers
- Natural Reef Aquariums book


Last edited by shark; 03-14-2007 at 02:29 AM.
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Old 03-14-2007, 02:27 AM
Posts: n/a

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