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Old 03-26-2005, 01:49 AM
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So I move my fish over to the new tank, and not ten minutes pass and my white cheek tang has 2 isopods sucking on his fins!!! Arrrgghh!!

Anywho, anyone have luck erradicting these suckers?
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Old 03-26-2005, 02:42 AM
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Fresh water dip mabye? Should get rid of the parasites.
135 gallon reef
corals:kenya tree,colts,blasto,gold toadstool,gps,zoo's,ricordea,elephants ear,rhodactis mushrooms,finger leather. 7 inch squamosa.

Livestock: powderblue tang,scopas tang,sailfin tang, blue tang, longnose hawkfish, coral beauty,2 clown fish,royal gramma,checkerboard wrasse, sixline wrasse.

soon to running 55 gallon refugium.
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Old 03-26-2005, 03:10 AM
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Brad, i read somewhere(unfortunatly can't remember where) that interceptor might work to clean these things out of a tank, Dr. R. Shimek didn't think it would work without doing in a bunch of good things too though

I'm sure you've already found this article but i will post the link anyway

300g tank
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Old 03-26-2005, 03:11 AM
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Formalin dip?

Beverly's 10g Nano YouTube Channel
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Old 03-26-2005, 03:48 AM
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no, dipping the fish won't work. The isopods feed then take off. They're gone now. I could pick them off with tweezers if I caught the fish, but are there more? I can't catch fish everyday. I'm going to try and bait them with some fresh sole tonight, see if the swim into a trap. I only saw two, so I'd like to get them before they breed.
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Old 03-26-2005, 03:52 AM
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i have these small white pods that hang out along the silicone in the corners and under the magnet. they are white and look a bit like lice. are these what you have?

i saw this on rc maybe it will help

Dr Ron
I will be sending you more then a few of these cirolanid isopods. I think I found a safe way to rid my and anyones tank of these that are void of fish.
I was thinking that there has to be a way to trap these things, after all there just stupid bugs right?

well thinking back to sitting on the piers in Hampton bay catching blue crabs I thought it could work kinda the same way for these things.
So what I did is got myself one of my wife's vase's large middle with a necked down opening cut off a hunk of raw fish filled the vase in the tank after lights out then put in the fish.
I sunk the vase into the sand a bit and tilted the opening down to sand level.
wait about 5 to ten min and lift the top of the vase quick and remove from the tank
as of now after about 2 hr's of this I have caught over 100 large ones not counting the tiny babies. all every one is a cirolanid isopod some are very large!
Given sufficient thrust pigs will fly just fine.

90 Gallon LPS tank - Challice, Acans, Favia, Diplo and Zoos
125 Gallon SPS Coming Soon!
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Old 03-26-2005, 04:01 AM
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willow, no, these look like flat tic-tacs, a bit smaller maybe. That trap idea is my plan fo rthis evenig, I'll see if they like fresh sole!!
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Old 03-26-2005, 04:04 AM
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good luck, from what i read they sound like a major pain in the ass.

what they hell are my lice then?
Given sufficient thrust pigs will fly just fine.

90 Gallon LPS tank - Challice, Acans, Favia, Diplo and Zoos
125 Gallon SPS Coming Soon!
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Old 03-26-2005, 05:41 AM
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I have things crawling around my live rock right now, sounds sort of like what you're talking about. As I have no fish in my tank yet then I dont know if they go after fish.

I have been told that what I have *might* be copepods. Are these good, bad, neutral?
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Old 03-26-2005, 06:12 AM
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Cam, those are good things. isopods are rare, and you don't see them running around. You're fine

Willow, not sure. Can you get pics?
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