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![]() I have one 45 gallon tank it has penguin 330 biowheell power head with filter and a cheap protien skimmer (not the best but it is working O.K. for this tank size<all other skimmers are expecive and for biger tanks).I have 4 x 40W 48" light bulbs they are 50%daylight and 50% actinic blue so they are blue.I checked the Ph NH3/NH4 NO2 NO3 everything is fine. What do you people think the problem is ? is the green water rotifers ? or somthing else?Please only reply if you want to help me out thank you.
![]() Green water is usually caused by Phytoplankton blooms IIRC.
32"x32"x20" Cube-ish tank |
![]() What does IIRC mean?
![]() IIRC If I Recall Correctly
Gerald Home:160Gal. Foxface, Yellow Tang, Blue Tang, Coral Beauty, Lawnmower Blenny, Starwberry Dottyback, Mandarin Goby, 2 Percula Clowns, Green Brittle Star, Brown Brittle Star, Chocolate Chip Star, Cleaner Shrimp Store: 33Gal. Green Brittle Star, Chocolate Chip Star, Peppermint Shrimp |
![]() You probably have too much nutrients and not enough macroalgae to suck up those excess nutrients. That's why my KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) systems are all full of different macros.
JMO & JME, Anthony |
![]() I have heard that a UV sterilizer would get rid of green water. Hope someone with more experience in this area would give their opinion.
![]() Since all you levels are fine it might be your lights. How old are your light bulbs? NO lights especially 50/50s can turn a bit yellow with age, which might appear green in different type of water. When you replace then try using 10k bulbs.
THE BARQUARIUM: 55 gallon cube - 50 lbs LR - ASM G3 skimmer - 30 Gallon sump - 22 Gallon refugium / frag tank - 4x 24 watt HO T5's - Mag 9.5 return - Pin Point PH monitor - 400 watt XM 20K MH in Lumenarc reflector - Dual stage GFO/NO3 media reactor - 6 stage RODI auto top up -Wavemaster Pro running 3 Koralia 2's. Fully stocked with fish, corals and usually some fine scotch http://www.canreef.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=55041 |
![]() Rotifers would eat the green water, as would brine shrimp etc. Do you get sunlight at all hitting the aquarium? Light intensity from two normal fluorescents and two actinics shouldn't be an issue but quality of light may. Nutrients may also buy your nitrates should reflect that. Take a sample of your water into a local pet store and ask them to verify your tests, perhaps your test kit is out of date. What's your water source? Do you have phosphates in your water or iron?
Doug |
![]() I have added a UV sterilizer and will see what will hapen
![]() Yup. 1 of the main uses of UV sterilizers is to clear up green water. You can run it at a higher flow for green water and slower flow for killing ick or parasites (different kill times required).
Anthony |